Can you attach your format style file as well as the complete sample script?
Thank you!
Complete script as SQLPrompt does it with these settings - see how far over the WHEN is? on my screen, it's indented 2 in from the inner CASE.
What I would like is the inner CASE to be on a new line, indented 2 in from the previous WHEN, and then the inner WHEN intended two more.
This is a pretty simple example, but I've got real ones where the WHEN is so far over I can't even tell it's there without scrolling.SELECTCASEWHEN @SPID = 3 THEN 'th'WHEN @spid = 88 THEN 'bobasdlkfjalk;sdfjalks;djfla;skjfdlkasfjlks' + CASEWHEN @SERVERNAME = 'bb' THEN 'a'ELSE NULLENDELSE NULLEND AS [test];
Formatting style attached, with extension changed to .txt from .sqlpromptstylev2
Thanks for the format file! It's indeed not possible at the moment within SQL Prompt. Can you please kindly post this suggestion on user voice forum?
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A simple example:
SQL Prompt puts that inner CASE way over to the right of where the + is, and the WHEN's are based on the CASE.
What option am I missing?