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Bug on compare : index was outside the bounds of the array


I'have a pb on comparison between two Oracle Database (Oracle 12 C), with always the same issue : index was outside the bounds of the array :-(...

The log are here :

09:24:47.109|Debug  |Object Model        |34 |Query returned reader in : 23 ms
09:24:47.124|Debug  |Object Model        |34 |LOB information took 1956 ms
09:24:47.124|Info   |Object Model        |34 |Populating object text 93%
09:24:47.124|Info   |Executor Cache      |34 |Executor cache released to pool - 2
09:25:41.727|Debug  |Object Model        |27 |object text took 113878 ms
09:25:41.727|Info   |Object Model        |27 |Populating  97%
09:25:41.727|Info   |Executor Cache      |27 |Executor cache released to pool - 0
09:25:41.727|Info   |Object Model        |65 |Postprocessing 100%
09:25:41.727|Debug  |Object Model        |65 |Populating waiting Post process
09:25:41.727|Debug  |Object Model        |65 |Populating getting executor Post process - waited 0ms for other tasks
09:25:41.727|Info   |Executor Cache      |65 |Executor request for 'Post process'
09:25:41.727|Info   |Executor Cache      |65 |Executor from pool for 'Post process' - 3 4 spare
09:25:41.727|Info   |Object Model        |65 |Populating Post process 99%
09:25:41.727|Debug  |Object Model        |65 |Populating Post process - waited 0ms for executor
09:25:41.789|Debug  |Object Model        |65 |Post process took 57 ms
09:25:41.789|Info   |Object Model        |65 |Populating  103%
09:25:41.789|Info   |Executor Cache      |65 |Executor cache released to pool - 3
09:25:41.805|Debug  |Object Model        |65 |Populating from PARVA4117035(IMX1FRI0) took 115999ms
09:25:55.454|Debug  |Object Model        |20 |object text took 127417 ms
09:25:55.454|Info   |Object Model        |20 |Populating  97%
09:25:55.454|Info   |Executor Cache      |20 |Executor cache released to pool - 0
09:25:55.454|Info   |Object Model        |56 |Postprocessing 100%
09:25:55.454|Debug  |Object Model        |56 |Populating waiting Post process
09:25:55.454|Debug  |Object Model        |56 |Populating getting executor Post process - waited 0ms for other tasks
09:25:55.454|Info   |Executor Cache      |56 |Executor request for 'Post process'
09:25:55.454|Info   |Executor Cache      |56 |Executor from pool for 'Post process' - 4 4 spare
09:25:55.454|Info   |Object Model        |56 |Populating Post process 99%
09:25:55.454|Debug  |Object Model        |56 |Populating Post process - waited 0ms for executor
09:25:55.501|Debug  |Object Model        |56 |Post process took 44 ms
09:25:55.501|Info   |Object Model        |56 |Populating  103%
09:25:55.501|Info   |Executor Cache      |56 |Executor cache released to pool - 4
09:25:55.517|Debug  |Object Model        |56 |Populating from PARVA4121045(X04355AP10) took 129714ms
09:25:55.517|Info   |Comparison          |27 |Comparing PARVA4117035(IMX1FRI0) to PARVA4121045(X04355AP10)
09:25:55.517|Trace  |Comparison          |27 |Schema mappings: [GEN$HUIS, GEN$HUIS]
09:25:55.532|Info   |Comparison          |27 |Comparing PARVA4117035(IMX1FRI0) to PARVA4121045(X04355AP10) took 11 ms
09:25:55.548|Error  |Engine Service      |1  |Exception in progress dialog
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: L'index était hors limites. Il ne doit pas être négatif et doit être inférieur à la taille de la collection.
Nom du paramètre : index
   à System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.ObjectModel.OrderedKeyedCollection`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.Comparison.Utils.CompareColumns(DatabaseComparison comparison, IOrderedKeyedCollection`1 objIn1, IOrderedKeyedCollection`1 objIn2, ICollection`1 diffs, Boolean performComparison, Boolean allowFuzzyMatching, ComparisonState state)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.Comparison.DatabaseComparison.<>c__DisplayClass69_0.<PreBothComparison>b__0(ITable o1, ITable o2)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.Comparison.Utils.CompareObjects[TObj,TDiff](TObj objIn1, TObj objIn2, ICollection`1 diffs, Func`3 ctor, ComparisonState state, Boolean performComparison, ComparisonStatus& parentStatus)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.Comparison.Utils.CompareSchemaObjectCollections[TColl,TDiff](IDictionary`2 ownerMapping, Boolean allowIgnoreObjectNames, ISchemaObjectCollection`1 objIn1, ISchemaObjectCollection`1 objIn2, ICollection`1 diffs, Func`3 ctor, ComparisonState state)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.Comparison.DatabaseComparison.PreBothComparison(ComparisonState state, ComparisonStatus& s)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.Comparison.DatabaseComparison.CompareProperties(ComparisonState state)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.Comparison.DatabaseComparison.Compare(Boolean writeScoComparisonLog)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.Comparison.DatabaseComparison.Compare()
   à RedGate.Shared.Controls.ProgressDialogEx.<>c__DisplayClass7.<DoTasks>b__4(Object q)

I found one Exception before in the log :

09:23:24.102|Info   |Object Model        |70 |Populating databases. Source: PARVA4117035(IMX1FRI0) Target: PARVA4121045(X04355AP10)
09:23:24.102|Info   |Object Model        |70 |Program version
09:23:24.102|Info   |Object Model        |70 |Populating database PARVA4117035(IMX1FRI0)
09:23:24.102|Trace  |Object Model        |70 |Options IncludeScriptHeader, IgnoreWhitespace, IgnoreDoubleQuotes, FastDependencies, IgnoreCrossSchemaDependencies, IgnoreSequenceCurrentValue, IncludeSetDefineOff, IgnoreMviewStartWithValue, DetectRenamedColumns, IncludeCrossSchemaPermissions, IncludeStorageIlmPolicies
09:23:24.102|Trace  |Object Model        |70 |Populating schemas GEN$HUIS
09:23:24.102|Info   |Object Model        |70 |database connection 0%
09:23:24.102|Info   |Executor Cache      |70 |Executor request for 'schemas'
09:23:24.102|Debug  |Object Model        |70 |Opening connection
09:23:24.336|Debug  |Object Model        |70 |Connection opened
09:23:24.382|Debug  |Object Model        |70 |Successfully selected from dba_users - using dba mode
09:23:24.445|Debug  |Object Model        |70 |Populating schema GEN$HUIS
09:23:24.679|Warn   |Object Model        |70 |Cannot read Ilm System tables, using data dictionary instead
Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleException (0x80004005): ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
   à Devart.Data.Oracle.i.a(cr A_0, Int32 A_1)
   à Devart.Data.Oracle.i.a(Int32 A_0, ch A_1)
   à Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleCommand.InternalExecute(CommandBehavior behavior, IDisposable disposable, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, Boolean nonQuery)
   à Devart.Common.DbCommandBase.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean nonQuery)
   à Devart.Common.DbCommandBase.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
   à Devart.Common.DbCommandBase.ExecuteScalar()
   à RedGate.Oracle.Common.ObjectModel.DatabaseReader.ExecuteScalar(String query)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.ObjectModel.DatabaseReader.ScriptRunsWithoutException(String script, String logMessage)
09:23:24.679|Trace  |Object Model        |70 |Initializing object selector with schemas GEN$HUIS
09:23:24.679|Info   |Executor Cache      |70 |Executor from pool for 'schemas' - 0 0 spare
09:23:24.679|Info   |Executor Cache      |70 |Executor cache released to pool - 0
09:23:24.679|Info   |Object Model        |70 |Populating database PARVA4121045(X04355AP10)
09:23:24.679|Trace  |Object Model        |70 |Options IncludeScriptHeader, IgnoreWhitespace, IgnoreDoubleQuotes, FastDependencies, IgnoreCrossSchemaDependencies, IgnoreSequenceCurrentValue, IncludeSetDefineOff, IgnoreMviewStartWithValue, DetectRenamedColumns, IncludeCrossSchemaPermissions, IncludeStorageIlmPolicies
09:23:24.679|Trace  |Object Model        |70 |Populating schemas GEN$HUIS
09:23:24.679|Info   |Object Model        |70 |database connection 0%
09:23:24.679|Info   |Executor Cache      |70 |Executor request for 'schemas'
09:23:24.679|Debug  |Object Model        |41 |Opening connection
09:23:24.679|Debug  |Object Model        |56 |Opening connection
09:23:24.679|Debug  |Object Model        |70 |Opening connection
09:23:24.679|Debug  |Object Model        |27 |Opening connection
09:23:24.679|Debug  |Object Model        |65 |Opening connection
09:23:24.928|Debug  |Object Model        |41 |Connection opened
09:23:25.084|Debug  |Object Model        |70 |Connection opened
09:23:25.116|Debug  |Object Model        |70 |Successfully selected from dba_users - using dba mode
09:23:25.209|Debug  |Object Model        |70 |Populating schema GEN$HUIS
09:23:25.272|Debug  |Object Model        |65 |Connection opened
09:23:25.396|Warn   |Object Model        |70 |Cannot read Ilm System tables, using data dictionary instead
Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleException (0x80004005): ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
   à Devart.Data.Oracle.i.a(cr A_0, Int32 A_1)
   à Devart.Data.Oracle.i.a(Int32 A_0, ch A_1)
   à Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleCommand.InternalExecute(CommandBehavior behavior, IDisposable disposable, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, Boolean nonQuery)
   à Devart.Common.DbCommandBase.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean nonQuery)
   à Devart.Common.DbCommandBase.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
   à Devart.Common.DbCommandBase.ExecuteScalar()
   à RedGate.Oracle.Common.ObjectModel.DatabaseReader.ExecuteScalar(String query)
   à RedGate.Oracle.SchemaCompare.ObjectModel.DatabaseReader.ScriptRunsWithoutException(String script, String logMessage)
09:23:25.396|Trace  |Object Model        |70 |Initializing object selector with schemas GEN$HUIS
09:23:25.396|Info   |Executor Cache      |70 |Executor from pool for 'schemas' - 0 0 spare
09:23:25.396|Info   |Executor Cache      |70 |Executor cache released to pool - 0
09:23:25.396|Debug  |Object Model        |79 |Populating dependencies for (GEN$HUIS)
09:23:25.396|Info   |Executor Cache      |79 |Executor request for 'dependencies'
09:23:25.396|Info   |Executor Cache      |79 |Executor from pool for 'dependencies' - 0 0 spare
09:23:25.396|Warn   |Object Model        |79 |Fast dependencies enabled; some things may break
09:23:25.396|Debug  |Object Model        |79 |-- Executing query

Can you help me please... It is not possible to compare my databases :(



Eric Vansteelandt



  • Vansteelandt_Eric
    Hello... No response :(... Can you help me please ?
  • Vansteelandt_Eric
    I use Schema Compare for Oracle Version
  • Eddie D
    Hi Eric,
    Thank you for your forum post.

    To investigate this problem further, I need a review the complete log file generated.  I will send to you a private message, would you please reply to it with a copy of the log file attached.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie D

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