SQLDataCompare /project:"C:\CompareFiles\compare_AW1_AW2.sdc" /Include:table:[Users] /Out:"C:\Users\mthurman\Documents\outputlog.txt" /verbose
I get the following in my output log.txt:
Redgate Client capability version: 2 SQL Data Compare: trial, edition standard Loading synchronization parameters from project file: C:\CompareFiles\compare_AW1_AW2.sdc OK Comparing database (local)\SQLEXPRESS.AW1 with database (local)\SQLEXPRESS.AW2... Registering databases Mapping Comparing databases Finished
Summary Information
DB1 = (local)\SQLEXPRESS.AW1
DB2 = (local)\SQLEXPRESS.AW2
Object type Name Records DB1 DB2
Table [dbo].[Users] 2 <> <>
The databases have differences and running the compare through the GUI will show what they are. This output log does not show that detail. What am I missing?
Thanks, Matt
I get the following in my output log.txt:
Redgate Client capability version: 2 SQL Data Compare: trial, edition standard Loading synchronization parameters from project file: C:\CompareFiles\compare_AW1_AW2.sdc OK Comparing database (local)\SQLEXPRESS.AW1 with database (local)\SQLEXPRESS.AW2... Registering databases Mapping Comparing databases Finished
The databases have differences and running the compare through the GUI will show what they are. This output log does not show that detail. What am I missing?
Thanks, Matt