
We are developing an ASP.NET application. There are many information providers contributing to the pages.
The different information providers are queried in different threads to make the process parallel. When we are faced with timeouts, it is difficult to see which threads were actually delaying the page output.
As the calls are mostly Asynch calls, time is spent outside my code. I have found that "Wall Clock Time" is better than "CPU time", but still it is hard to see the cummulative effects of delays within a given thread. And thus, decide which information provider was the last to respond.

Does ANTS have the possibility of showing thread actvity on a timeline? So that I can see what it was doing at any given moment in time? Not just the total time spent in "WaitForObject", for example, but also when the thread spent time there?

Time metrics should also be possible to display in percentage to thread total, not just "total" total.

It's sad if I need to go back to "printf"-ing timestamps to trace/ANTS events/file/console etc..


1 comment

  • Matthew Flatt
    Hi Tormod,

    Unfortunately while you can specify to view results for only one method this does not affect the timeline display.

    I can see how this would be useful and have raised a feature request for you.

    Thank you for the feedback.
    Matthew Flatt

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