No matter how smart I think I am, there is always something new to learn...
Sometimes painfully. -
It is easier to learn new things than I thought. And it’s important that I keep doing it.
Review latest releases and enhancements from Microsoft and vendors that can improve productivity for your business and career
Have the humility to keep learning and asking, have confidence in what you've learned.
We have purchased SQL Clone for a prod to development process of databases and I have automated the process from start to finish.
SQL Logs are one of the best diagnostic tools
SQL Monitoring has helped us prove to the vendor that the SQL deadlocks are ALL THIERS!
Stable and easily adaptable solutions occur in highly predictable environments. Predictability comes from consistency, a by-product of standardisation and automation.
Enjoy the work you do and have fun while doing it by making the right tool selection and improving collaboration,
Thanks for participating in this competition.
The winner of a Spa day with the best comment is @DBATrollman who commented "SQL Monitoring has helped us prove to the vendor that the SQL deadlocks are ALL THIERS!".
The runner up is @NeilHambly with "Review latest releases and enhancements from Microsoft and vendors that can improve productivity for your business and career".
Congratulationsto both of you - I'll be in touch directly to provide you with your prize.
Thanks to the rest of you for participating! Please do continue to share what you've learned with others, in the various Redgate product forums, as well as in person with your colleagues and clients.
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You’re in luck, Redgate are offering you the chance to win a free spa day to help you properly unwind and get the relaxation you deserve (you'll also be able to take someone else along with you, if you wish).
All you need to do is tell us, in less than 20 words, what's the single most important thing you've learned as a data professional in 2017 so far.
Share what you’ve learnt with the Redgate community by posting your answer below by clicking "Post Comment"
This competition will close at midnight on September 29. We'll then review all the comments, and on October 6 we'll award the forum member who contributed the best comment (telling us what they've learnt as a data professional in 2017, in 20 words or less) the grand prize of a Spa Day. We also have a $50 Amazon Voucher for a runner up whose comment is good, but not the best!
Read the full Terms & Conditions here.