Hi, thank you for your support request.
Sadly in the current version of SQL Search V2.3.1.388 you cannot search using the # character. SQL Search ignores this character.
Therefore I have submitted a new enhancement request for SQL Search to be able to use the # character as a search parameter. The reference for this request is SDI-699.
Other characters that are ignored are as follows: * , _ , £ and $. There are already future requests in place to support these 4 characters.
The wild card character for SQL Search is the % character. This help ARTICLEcontains information on the wildcard and using the AND?OR operators in the 'Advanced search syntax' paragraph.
Many Thanks
Eddie -
thank you Eddie
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I have tried;
create table #
create AND table AND #
insert AND into AND #
into AND #
and other variations
All of the above return results, but the results may or may not have a "#".
Is SQL Search seeing # as a wildcard? If yes, is there an escape sequence that can be used to force SQL Search to see # as a character?
thank you