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Create and Deploy release with options

I'm calling the redgate built "Redgate - create Database Release" and then "Redgate - Deploy from Database Release" in ocopus and I'm struggling to get the options to pass through,

I want to ignore dependencies, which means I need to pass all other defaults to the Create powershell, which is fine, I've got that (although it took a while to find). But now when I do the deployment, I lose the specific options I've asked for and all the dependencies are being rolled out.

Calling: C:Program Files (x86)Red GateDLM Automation Suite 1SCSQLCompare.exe
"/filter:C:Userssvc_OctopusDeployAppDataLocalTempSQL Releaseym0ciaoj.scpf"

Am I missing another option somewhere?

It doesn't seem right that the options I've specified are ignored.




  • croge
    Actuall, what I've noticed is that the New-DatabaseRelease / New-DlmDatabaseRelease calls SQLCompare.exe twice and that has "IncludeDepenencis" as a default as well as others.

    I see no way to override these even though I'm explicitly passing in some SQL compare options: below is the chunk of extract info from Octopus (apologies for the formatting)

    WARNING: 'New-DatabaseConnection' has been renamed 'New-DlmDatabaseConnection'.
    WARNING: 'Test-DatabaseConnection' has been renamed 'Test-DlmDatabaseConnection'.
    New-DatabaseConnection, SQL Release, Copyright © Red Gate Software Ltd 2014-2016
    Test-DatabaseConnection, SQL Release, Copyright © Red Gate Software Ltd 2014-2016
    *******************SQL COMPARE OPTIONS***************************
    WARNING: 'New-DatabaseRelease' has been renamed 'New-DlmDatabaseRelease'.
    New-DatabaseRelease, SQL Release, Copyright © Red Gate Software Ltd 2014-2016
    VERBOSE: Parameters:
    Source: scripts folder 'D:OctopusApplicationsTestCCS.COC.Database9127.6_1dbstate'
    Target: database 'CCS' on server ''
    FilterPath: null
    IgnoreStaticData: True
    TransactionIsolationLevel: Serializable
    IncludeIdenticalsInReport: False
    TemporaryDatabaseServer: null
    VERBOSE: Using filter in scripts folder 'D:OctopusApplicationsTestCCS.COC.Database9127.6_1dbstate'
    Making a scripts folder of database 'CCS' on server ''.
    VERBOSE: Calling: C:Program Files (x86)Red GateDLM Automation Suite 1SCSQLCompare.exe
    "/makescripts:C:Userssvc_OctopusDeployAppDataLocalTempSQL Releaseum0zi3ds.hhz" /force
    /options:DecryptPost2kEncryptedObjects,IncludeDependencies /OutputWidth:1024 /server1: /database1:CCS
    /out:"C:Userssvc_OctopusDeployAppDataLocalTempSQL Releasevj5qfzd0.log"
    VERBOSE: C:Program Files (x86)Red GateDLM Automation Suite 1SCSQLCompare.exe ended with exit code 0
    VERBOSE: SQLCompare.exe completed successfully.
    Creating the update script.
    VERBOSE: Calling: C:Program Files (x86)Red GateDLM Automation Suite 1SCSQLCompare.exe
    "/filter:C:Userssvc_OctopusDeployAppDataLocalTempSQL Releasek30pu2mj.scpf"
    ileParseFailed,UseCompatibilityLevel,UseMigrationsV2 /transactionIsolationLevel:SERIALIZABLE
    "/scriptFile:C:Userssvc_OctopusDeployAppDataLocalTempSQL Releasepm5djgh0.sql" /showWarnings /include:Identical
    "/report:C:Userssvc_OctopusDeployAppDataLocalTempSQL Releasewm41m4rw.xml" /reportType:Xml /force
    /OutputWidth:1024 "/scripts1:C:Userssvc_OctopusDeployAppDataLocalTempSQL Releasekogbgz4i.qvj"
    "/scripts2:C:Userssvc_OctopusDeployAppDataLocalTempSQL Release ufznnyn.thb"
    /out:"C:Userssvc_OctopusDeployAppDataLocalTempSQL Release1mwwkjk0.log"
    VERBOSE: C:Program Files (x86)Red GateDLM Automation Suite 1SCSQLCompare.exe ended with exit code 0
    VERBOSE: SQLCompare.exe completed successfully.
    ************************** RedGate.SQLRelease.Compare.Domain.DatabaseRelease ****************************
  • Rob C
    Hi Chris,

    To turn off a default option you can precede the option with a minus sign, so you would add -IncludeDependencies to the "SQL Compare options" textbox in the Octopus step template.

    Have a look at the New-DlmDatabaseRelease syntax for more information - ... aseRelease

    Having said that, you'll need to be careful as if you don't deploy dependencies then you are at risk of leaving the database in an invalid state.
    Rob C

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