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'Toggle Inherited Members' (CTRL+I) is still broken in 8.5

The command 'Toggle Inherited Members' is broken: clicking that command (or pressing CTRL+I) does not toggle the inherited members of a type. Instead, all members disappear and do not re-appear when clicking the toggle command or pressing CTRL+I again.

This bug exists at least since version 8.0 and has already been reported in several ways (, and still has not been fixed...



  • Alex B
    Hi Szimmer,

    The bug is logged with internal reference RP-3478 and I have added a comment noting your concern on it's longevity. There is not currently a time frame for resolving the issue, but when that changes I will update you.
    Alex B
  • Alex B
    Hi Szimmer,

    I just wanted to let you know this issue has been resolved in version 9 which is currently having beta releases that you can download on this page.

    Please give this a try and let me know how you get on!

    Kind regards,
    Alex B

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