using an empty git repo ( just git init)
on step 5:summary I get an error : can't pass null to parameter commit -
OK that has failed for me too. Looks like something may have changed last minute before the release to break it or perhaps git init doesn't do the creation in the same way as git extensions init which is what I normally test with.
We do have integration tests around this so it's concerning that they didn't pick up an issue either.
I've found your bug report too which helps a lot - thanks. -
OK I've discovered the issue, the local repo needs to be bare as we push to it.
So in order to initialize a repo locally you would need to run...git init --bare
(I'll fix up the rubbish error message) -
Not working for me. Trying to check if your system is what we need, but I cannot even get past repository creation with git.
If I try clean remote gitorious repo over http it says
"parameter cannot be null : commit"
If I try local folder, even when it has bee created with --bare it says that it cant use that and that it should be init'd with --bare (I checked multiple times - it was) -
Can you try the latest release from the main website - we've since fully released git support with a few fixes - I'll update the link in the original post.
It should be able to clone from a remote https repo, we've only tested on github and bitbucket though. -
I was using the latest version.
Updating my question:
1)I have since been able to make local repo work. The folder, when created in "my documents" instead of c: works with git init --bare so maybe its some permissions problem
2) I cannot clone via https because your app says that "user cancelled certificate check", only http is possible and this fails later with the message I posted above.This might be related to the problem that we do not have valid ssl certificate on our gitorious installation, but that should really not be a problem, right?
P.S. My colleague asks - will you be supporting uploading jobs to git and wrapped package compare?
P.P.S. I do not see any way to create a branch in the GUI, only select one. Weird
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Git/Working folder support is now in the main product - you can download it from the main website
Release notes:
is equivalent to
Just a string in the owner or object name
Multiple - contains both test AND view
test view
Positive (default)
Terms - does the value in the column contain the given word
locked: =returns all locked objects by anyone
locked:(me) =just your own locked objects
And any combination of the above
type:view -type:log test schema:hr
= views or materialized views but not materialized view logs in schemas containing hr with names containing test
Please note that the final release with Git support will be v3 of Source Control for Oracle. To make sure you are entitled to get it for free please ensure your "Support & upgrades" are up-to-date
More bug fixes merged into Git Beta release that will also be released in the upcoming release of Source Control for Oracle