I'm able to compare oracle schemas ,I'm able to connect and compare and generate report on GUI
but when doing through command line I'm getting below error
Error: Can not obtain Oracle client information from registry. Make sure that
Oracle Client Software is installed, or use Direct mode of connecting to server.
Error: Comparison failed
Use -? for help
I'm using VM(virtual machine)I have Oracle client installed and I can see the entry in registry under HLEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Wow6432Node->oracle->Key_OracleHome112_32
I have tried both as project (ocp) and giving user/password on commandline it's the same error
with Project ->
C:Program FilesRed GateSchema Compare for Oracle 3>
sco /project:"\NSNG11P20136agahuja4$DesktopProjects_desktopBacksynchingRedgate testingProjectsqnyb
3r70 WEB v DNYB3R10 WEB.ocp" /scriptfile:"C:Deployment ScriptsScript.sql"
Schema Compare for Oracle: activated, edition: standard, serial number: xxxxxxx
Checking that DataSources can be parsed
Reading dependency information
Error: Can not obtain Oracle client information from registry. Make sure that
Oracle Client Software is installed, or use Direct mode of connecting to server.
Error: Comparison failed
Use -? for help
On Command line
C:Program FilesRed GateSchema Compare for Oracle 3>sco -source star_ro_user/S
TAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70{WEB} -target star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70{WEB} -scrip
t-file MyScript.sql -behavior script-header -behavior define-off
Schema Compare for Oracle: activated, edition: standard, serial number: xxxxxxxxxxx
Schemas found WEB
Schemas found in Target WEB
Checking that DataSources can be parsed
Checking Source star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70 can be parsed
Parsing datasource string star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70
Split DataSource into 3 components
star_ro_user | STAR_RO_USER | qnyb3r70
DataSource star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70 is a TNS Connection
No Oracle homes Found
No TNS Entry for qnyb3r70 found, trying to connect using Oracle home Instant Cli
Connection String = Data Source=qnyb3r70;User Id=star_ro_user;Password=STAR_
RO_USER;Connection Timeout=60;Pooling=false;Unicode=true;
Checking Target star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70 can be parsed
Parsing datasource string star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70
Split DataSource into 3 components
star_ro_user | STAR_RO_USER | DNYB3R70
DataSource star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70 is a TNS Connection
No Oracle homes Found
No TNS Entry for DNYB3R70 found, trying to connect using Oracle home Instant Cli
Connection String = Data Source=DNYB3R70;User Id=star_ro_user;Password=STAR_
RO_USER;Connection Timeout=60;Pooling=false;Unicode=true;
Reading dependency information
Error: Can not obtain Oracle client information from registry. Make sure that
Oracle Client Software is installed, or use Direct mode of connecting to server.
Error: Comparison failed
Use -? for help
I'm able to compare oracle schemas ,I'm able to connect and compare and generate report on GUI
but when doing through command line I'm getting below error
Error: Can not obtain Oracle client information from registry. Make sure that
Oracle Client Software is installed, or use Direct mode of connecting to server.
Error: Comparison failed
Use -? for help
I'm using VM(virtual machine)I have Oracle client installed and I can see the entry in registry under HLEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Wow6432Node->oracle->Key_OracleHome112_32
I have tried both as project (ocp) and giving user/password on commandline it's the same error
with Project ->
C:Program FilesRed GateSchema Compare for Oracle 3>
sco /project:"\NSNG11P20136agahuja4$DesktopProjects_desktopBacksynchingRedgate testingProjectsqnyb
3r70 WEB v DNYB3R10 WEB.ocp" /scriptfile:"C:Deployment ScriptsScript.sql"
Schema Compare for Oracle: activated, edition: standard, serial number: xxxxxxx
Checking that DataSources can be parsed
Reading dependency information
Error: Can not obtain Oracle client information from registry. Make sure that
Oracle Client Software is installed, or use Direct mode of connecting to server.
Error: Comparison failed
Use -? for help
On Command line
C:Program FilesRed GateSchema Compare for Oracle 3>sco -source star_ro_user/S
TAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70{WEB} -target star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70{WEB} -scrip
t-file MyScript.sql -behavior script-header -behavior define-off
Schema Compare for Oracle: activated, edition: standard, serial number: xxxxxxxxxxx
Schemas found WEB
Schemas found in Target WEB
Checking that DataSources can be parsed
Checking Source star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70 can be parsed
Parsing datasource string star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70
Split DataSource into 3 components
star_ro_user | STAR_RO_USER | qnyb3r70
DataSource star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70 is a TNS Connection
No Oracle homes Found
No TNS Entry for qnyb3r70 found, trying to connect using Oracle home Instant Cli
Connection String = Data Source=qnyb3r70;User Id=star_ro_user;Password=STAR_
RO_USER;Connection Timeout=60;Pooling=false;Unicode=true;
Checking Target star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70 can be parsed
Parsing datasource string star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70
Split DataSource into 3 components
star_ro_user | STAR_RO_USER | DNYB3R70
DataSource star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70 is a TNS Connection
No Oracle homes Found
No TNS Entry for DNYB3R70 found, trying to connect using Oracle home Instant Cli
Connection String = Data Source=DNYB3R70;User Id=star_ro_user;Password=STAR_
RO_USER;Connection Timeout=60;Pooling=false;Unicode=true;
Reading dependency information
Error: Can not obtain Oracle client information from registry. Make sure that
Oracle Client Software is installed, or use Direct mode of connecting to server.
Error: Comparison failed
Use -? for help