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Connection to source/target working GUI but not with cmd lin


I'm able to compare oracle schemas ,I'm able to connect and compare and generate report on GUI

but when doing through command line I'm getting below error

Error: Can not obtain Oracle client information from registry. Make sure that
Oracle Client Software is installed, or use Direct mode of connecting to server.

Error: Comparison failed
Use -? for help

I'm using VM(virtual machine)I have Oracle client installed and I can see the entry in registry under HLEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Wow6432Node->oracle->Key_OracleHome112_32

I have tried both as project (ocp) and giving user/password on commandline it's the same error

with Project ->

C:Program FilesRed GateSchema Compare for Oracle 3>
sco /project:"\NSNG11P20136agahuja4$DesktopProjects_desktopBacksynchingRedgate testingProjectsqnyb
3r70 WEB v DNYB3R10 WEB.ocp" /scriptfile:"C:Deployment ScriptsScript.sql"
Schema Compare for Oracle: activated, edition: standard, serial number: xxxxxxx

Checking that DataSources can be parsed

Reading dependency information
Error: Can not obtain Oracle client information from registry. Make sure that
Oracle Client Software is installed, or use Direct mode of connecting to server.

Error: Comparison failed
Use -? for help

On Command line

C:Program FilesRed GateSchema Compare for Oracle 3>sco -source star_ro_user/S
TAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70{WEB} -target star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70{WEB} -scrip
t-file MyScript.sql -behavior script-header -behavior define-off
Schema Compare for Oracle: activated, edition: standard, serial number: xxxxxxxxxxx

Schemas found WEB
Schemas found in Target WEB
Checking that DataSources can be parsed
Checking Source star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70 can be parsed
Parsing datasource string star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70
Split DataSource into 3 components
star_ro_user | STAR_RO_USER | qnyb3r70
DataSource star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70 is a TNS Connection
No Oracle homes Found
No TNS Entry for qnyb3r70 found, trying to connect using Oracle home Instant Cli
Connection String = Data Source=qnyb3r70;User Id=star_ro_user;Password=STAR_
RO_USER;Connection Timeout=60;Pooling=false;Unicode=true;
Checking Target star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70 can be parsed
Parsing datasource string star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70
Split DataSource into 3 components
star_ro_user | STAR_RO_USER | DNYB3R70
DataSource star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R70 is a TNS Connection
No Oracle homes Found
No TNS Entry for DNYB3R70 found, trying to connect using Oracle home Instant Cli
Connection String = Data Source=DNYB3R70;User Id=star_ro_user;Password=STAR_
RO_USER;Connection Timeout=60;Pooling=false;Unicode=true;
Reading dependency information
Error: Can not obtain Oracle client information from registry. Make sure that
Oracle Client Software is installed, or use Direct mode of connecting to server.

Error: Comparison failed
Use -? for help



  • richardjm
    Can you try using the SCO32 file as if the registry entries are in wow6432 then perhaps it requires an x86 version of the command line - the key line is the "No Oracle homes Found".

    Do you use the 32 or 64 bit version of the UI?

  • gahuja
    Hi Richard

    it worked with SCO32

    Many Thanks

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