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Generate comaprison report/sql names having currentdatetime

Hi Team

I'm doing oracle schema comparison and generating simple HTML file and deployment script with below command

"C:Program FilesRed GateSchema Compare for Oracle 3sco32" -source star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@qnyb3r70{CONTROL} -target star_ro_user/STAR_RO_USER@DNYB3R10{CONTROL} -report:"\NSNG11P20136agahuja4$DesktopProjects_desktop
BacksynchingRedgatetestingReportsReport_CONTROL.html" -reporttype:Simple /reportselectedobjects -script-file "\NSNG11P20136agahuja4$DesktopProjects_desktopBacksynchingRedgatetestingscriptsScript_CONTROL.sql" -behavior
script-header -behavior define-off

Since everyday I will be scheduling this in batch command,would like to generate the html and deployment script files with date and timestamps in the names so that my previous files are not replaced with the newly generated ones

HTML File Report_CONTROL_05112014_1811.html
deployment Script_CONTROL_05112014_1811.sql

Though the date/time format can vary...but idea is to have it in the file names...kindly suggest



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