When attempting to run a data compare between my production database and development database, SQL Data Compare crashes with the following error : "Specified Cast is not valid". I get this error when I click on the Tables & Views tab, or Remap Objects tab.

Please Help.



  • Chris Spencer
    My first suggestion would be to download SQL Data Compare v6.1.1 and see if this version has fixed it as I do recall getting something like this whilst testing the latest version.

    Chris Spencer
  • DaleDeWitt
    I upgraded, and I still get an error, only worded a little differently....

    "Unable to cast object of type SYSTEM.DBNULL to SYSTEM.STRING

    Please advise.....
  • Chris Spencer
    This issue may be difficult for us to pinpoint without knowledge of the schema / data involved in the comparison. Are you able to create snapshots of the databases using SQL Compare? If so can you send them to chris.spencer@red-gate.com and I'll see if i can reproduce.

    Chris Spencer
  • Michelle T
    A profiler trace of the last query that was run by Data Compare on the database, along with the results of that query when run seperately on the database (i.e. copied out of the profiler and run in QA or SSMS), is usually very useful in tracking down problems of this nature (which are generally caused by the SQL Server unexpectedly returning 'NULL' in one of the many queries we use to get information about the database).
    Michelle T

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