
I have to activate my SQL Prompt Pro again , and I see a change in manual activation.

I do not have internet at home ( there are some of us out there !! -- too much spam) so I have to download the activation request and send to the activation site and re apply the activation response . This has worked fine previously.

Now as I go to manual activation I get an XML format to use on the activation form , but when I take the response back to the PC , and go to manual activation again , the activation Session No has been regenerated with a new Session No and I get an error telling me so .

Does this mean I have to get an activation request , leave the form open all day an plug the response back into that form when I return.

If so it seems a bit restrictive , my home PC is shared with my wife's activities and its almost impossible to do it this way ?

Am I missing something or am I being thick ?

Do you have any suggetsions on how to proceed.





  • Eddie D
    Thank you for your post into the forum.

    Unfortunately at the present time, our product licence activation process relies upon the user having Internet access and creates an unique session ID for each activation attempt.

    There is no work around for this process.

    You will need to generate the activation request, leave the activation wizard open, take the request to work, obtain the activation reponse and paste the response into the next step of the wizard, to complete the activation process upon your return.

    You can still submit an activation request using the e-mail method, by sending the activation request to activation@red-gate.com and receive the activation response as an attachment in a reply e-mail. However you will still need to keep the activation wizard open until you can paste in the response.

    I will highlight your issue to my line manager and Red Gate management to see what can be done to resolve this situation in the future.

    A support call has been opened and the call reference is F0012165.

    Best Regards

    Eddie Davis
    Product Support Engineer
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    E-Mail: support@red-gate.com
    Eddie D
  • MikeONeill

    I have managed to activate the product by doing exactly as you said , but its not a simple method , I literally had to ban my wife from logging onto our PC in her name while I left the activation wizard open for 8 hrs plus, which you can imageine pleased her a lot !!

    I appreciate the need to verify legitimate license holders but its not very convenient for the "customer".

    That said I should be fine til I buy a new PC

    Justa thought for future issues maybe

  • Eddie D
    Hi Mike

    I have submitted a feature request, for us at Red Gate, to consider implementing another licensing or activation mechanism that does not use the Internet.

    I cannot guarantee that this request will be approved and if approval is given, when this feature will appear.

    Many Thanks

    Eddie Davis
    Product Support Engineer
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    e-mail: support@red-gate.com
    Eddie D

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