I've been profiling an application recently but the timings seem to be off by a factor of 10. The process takes 2.5 hours and the profiler reports 90,000 seconds (25 hours).

It's a multi-threaded app, but the Time(inc children) that I'm looking at is for a method that is executed within a single thread.

My machine is a Core 2 Duo (dual core) should that have any effect on timing.

Any ideas what causes this?



  • dannytuppeny
    Just a thought - it took 2.5 hours total - with the profiler attached. Since the profiler should be removing its own overhead, I assume the figures should be even lower, and it's out by even more :(
  • Brian Donahue
    Hi Danny,

    There is a know issue with dual-core processors, which you can read about here. It's probably something to do with the way the CPU handles certain timing instructions.
    Brian Donahue
  • dannytuppeny
    Thanks. I'll install that update and see if it makes a difference :)
  • dannytuppeny
    That solved the problem! With our changes the process took 30 mins and the profiler says it was 14 mins - sounds resonable, since the last time I noticed the profiler was roughly doubling the exceution time :-)
  • Brian Donahue
    I'm very happy that it's working!

    If Profiler's time is less than your 'stopwatch', that is the norm; Profiler is supposed to subtract its' own overhead, in other words show how fast the code would execute while not under the 'influence' of the Profiler!
    Brian Donahue

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