The interface is really cool. I like the color that's used in the grid.
I like the pivot "In show columns as row view" as it allows me to compare the values side by side.
Next and previous difference buttons are great. The selection in different color shows the difference.

1.) If you right click in the Object Differences and click on 'Show Viewer' the viewer does not open.
2.) In the pivot show columns as row view I cannot check/uncheck the include check box.(Edit:-Just noticed it in the known issues.)
3.) While using the previous/next buttons the grid scrolls to the top and you cannot see the selection. You have to manually scroll the grid each time to see the previous/next selection. (Edit:- sometimes the grid auto scrolls to the top and sometimes it gets stuck somewhere in the middle and you cannot see the selection.)
4.) If the SQL Tab is open and you exclude or include different objects the SQL script in the SQL Tab does not change. This happens when the inclusion/exclusion is done through the popup menu when you right click on the table/object. This also happens when you use the menu after clicking on the "Actions" button.



  • sangha
    While printing the column Type is not showing the value Table in full. i.e. "e" is being cut in half for the value "Table".

    Also how do I print a report for the differences for a table comparision?
  • sangha
    If you double click(right or left button) on the SQL script tab header that switches the synchronization direction.
  • Robert C

    1) Object viewer - yup, well spotted. For now you can double click instead to open the viewer
    3) OK, we'll have a look into that one. I think the grid should scroll to keep up with the selection, but we'll check.
    4) You're correct - that's a bug. We'll get that fixed.

    (printing) I don't see that in my copy at the moment, but I'll check it in more detail in a minute and see if I can reproduce that.
    If you double click(right or left button) on the SQL script tab header that switches the synchronization direction.

    That's not a bug, it's a feature! ;-)

    It's something that wasn't there before, but several of us here found that we were expecting it to behave like that, so we added it.

    Thanks for the feedback,
    Robert C

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