This occurs often with me.
I run one select, getting some rows, etc, etc. and I copy that rows from result pane to command window. Then SP come extreamly slow. Of course this behavior is expected, once SP is trying parsing the row I copied.
But even is I coment this lines with /* */, the behavior occurs, even if I was editing command outsite the commented area.
I read other post in this forum about SP parsing commented lines, but this behavior is too shackler. Maybe you can create a new comment tag, or something like this, to indicate SP to ignore some texts.
This occurs often with me.
I run one select, getting some rows, etc, etc. and I copy that rows from result pane to command window. Then SP come extreamly slow. Of course this behavior is expected, once SP is trying parsing the row I copied.
But even is I coment this lines with /* */, the behavior occurs, even if I was editing command outsite the commented area.
I read other post in this forum about SP parsing commented lines, but this behavior is too shackler. Maybe you can create a new comment tag, or something like this, to indicate SP to ignore some texts.