i have several lower level enviroments that gets refreshed form production every weekend. with the systems i have, we are documenting in my integration enviroment.

the descriptions of objects are stored i assume the objects extended descriptions field in SQL, how do i store those descriptions out side of that ? or can i ???


1 comment

  • david connell
    Hi there Kingram,

    The descriptions used by SQL Doc are stored as extended properties, which in turn are stored in the database itself. As a result they will be backed up & restored within your database.

    So the next question is, How to get all the extended Propeties out of the database?
    I would use SQL Compare to compare my database against a blank database. And export the data as XML...
    I would then use XSLT or a program to scan the XML and strip out the sp_addextendedproperty.
    The XML looks like
    - <line type="different">
      <left>ALTER TABLE [Person].[Address] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Address_StateProvince_StateProvinceID] FOREIGN KEY ([StateProvinceID]) REFERENCES [Person].[StateProvince] ([StateProvinceID])</left> 
      <right /> 
    - <line type="different">
      <right /> 
    - <line type="same">
      <left>-- Extended Properties</left> 
      <right /> 
    - <line type="same">
      <left /> 
      <right /> 
    - <line type="different">
      <left>sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', N'Street address information for customers, employees, and vendors.', 'SCHEMA', N'Person', 'TABLE', N'Address', NULL, NULL</left> 
      <right /> 
    The above example was taken from AdventureWorks.
    Once I had this working well I would setup up some command line utlitilies to automate this task as part of my general build mechanisms...
    Hope this helps
    David Connell
    david connell

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