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ANTS Profiler 3 BETA - download instructions

You can download the ANTS Profiler 3 beta until the end of February from...

Please take part in the beta and post on the forum even if it just works perfectly for you, all feedback is valuable.

As a little incentive we shall be giving away some iPod Shuffles to the people on the forum who come up with the worst bugs or the most valuable feedback so please take part and enjoy.

All being well we shall launch the product in March.

Also you'll be pleased to hear that ANTS Profiler 3 BETA can be installed on the same machine as ANTS Profiler 2.7 without conflict.


1 comment

  • richardjm
    Another quick note:

    ANTS 3 is fully compatible with Vista, IIS7 and .NET 3. We've even tested it on the latest versions of Longhorn that Microsoft have available.

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