Hi Maciek,
Thanks for the suggestion. We appreciate the input. So that we can correctly consider this for a future release, could you please give a more precise example of how you would need to use such a filter?
To answer your points:
1) Currently the Where Clause filter in SQL Data Compare can only apply to a specific table. Are you saying that there are cases where you need an identical Where Clause for multiple tables? If so, an example would be useful for us.
2) I will add this to the wish-list.
Thanks for your feedback,
David -
Hi David,
To make more reasonable my first request I will explain my needs as plain as I can.
For few last years I work mainly with ERP system Microsoft Dynamics (former Axapta). This software has very interesting functionality allowing users to work, using the same execution code, on different datasets ("companies") taken from the same database. How this can be used ?
Let's assume that your company has both such system for headquarters and your subsidiaries. All you need is one database and one instance of ERP system. For every subsidiary and for head office you may create different "company" in the system. This will allow you to switch from one "company" to another one to post your transactions in that particular subset of whole database. Such transactions will be not visible for other user who will be working with different "company". To be precise MS Dynamics allowes to establish shared parts of database (it can be for example common chart of accounts) but I don't want go to deeply into details.
This is implemented by adding to almost every of above a thousand tables (because of additional mods in my case it is more than 1600 tables) a column "DataAreaId" which indicates with which "company" particular table row is connected. If I would like to create a new database having only few of "companies" or update test environment, I need to put filter like "dataAreaId IN ("company1", "company2") on every table. Doing this manually on 1600 tables is a little bit exhausting...
I hope you understand now how your tool can also be used and better help customers. I would be very satisfied having such functionality soon.
Best regards
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First of all I would like to thank you for your tools. They save a lot of time.
Because I like to save my time I would be very happy if you could implement two small features extending easy of use of new filter functionality:
1. Current version allows to establish a filter on one table at a time. It is not possible to select multiple tables and establish a filter to all of them by typing it only once. When I select more tables, filter button becomes gray...
2. It would be also nice to be able to use regular expressions to filter database objects (tables, views, ...) to speed up setup phase of creating project. Example: filter tables to show only those which are starting with "Invent*" and press "select none" button or select them all and press filter button (above request) and establish a filter for them...
Do you think that such functions can be added to newer version od Data Compare soon ?