select * from <ctrl spaces) -> ok it shows me the tables
I choosed the table and continue typing:
where <ctrl spaces) ## the firts problem, it shows me all objects, not only my_table columns
but ok, I choosed a my_table column but now my t-sql appears like
select * from dbo.my_table where my_column
from dbo.my_table
So, it is inseting a second from clause
Ésio Nunes
select * from <ctrl spaces) -> ok it shows me the tables
I choosed the table and continue typing:
where <ctrl spaces) ## the firts problem, it shows me all objects, not only my_table columns
but ok, I choosed a my_table column but now my t-sql appears like
select * from dbo.my_table where my_column
from dbo.my_table
So, it is inseting a second from clause
Ésio Nunes