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Error when pressing right arrow key

In SSMS, when pressing the right arrow key and moving the cursor to a new "text column", it's appear a message error box.

I started a query window with no script, I pressed the key, moving the cursor and then the message appear:


See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Invalid column index specified when retrieving ordinal for position (0, 2) from line with length 0.
Parameter name: columnIndex
Actual value was 2.
at _40._1(Int32 , Int32 , Int32 , _39 )
at _40._1(CaretPosition )
at _24._1(CaretPosition )
at _43.set_CaretPosition(CaretPosition value)
at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Engine.SqlPromptEngine.set_CaretPosition(CaretPosition value)
at _12._4(Object , EventArgs )
at _10.Exec(Guid& pguidCmdGroup, UInt32 nCmdID, UInt32 nCmdexecopt, IntPtr pvaIn, IntPtr pvaOut)

Ésio Nunes



  • Tilman
    Hi Ésio,

    Is that the full log? It looks like you only sent in the exception.

  • EsioN
    Hi Tilman

    Heres the log.

    I didn't sent this before, because in my MSSMS the menu SQL Prompt disappear and I need reinstal SQL Prompt.

    The machine config.
    WinXP - SP 2 - Portuguese Brazilian
    PIV 2.8 - 1GB RAM
    SQL Management Studio Version 9.00.2047.00

    m_SortedDatabases contains 0 databases in RefreshColumnCandidates()
    SqlPromptEngine: Setting script provider with initial caret position at Line: 0; Column: 0
    SqlPromptEngine: Script info before setting script provider
    ScriptModel: Current script information
    ScriptModel: Line count (from lines collection) = 0
    ScriptModel: Line count (from script provider) = 0
    ScriptModel: Script length = 0
    ScriptModel: End position (from script provider) = Line: -1; Column: -1
    ScriptModel: Last line length (from lines collection) = -1
    ScriptModel: Caret position: Line: 0; Column: 0
    SqlPromptEngine: Script info after setting script provider
    ScriptModel: Current script information
    ScriptModel: Line count (from lines collection) = 0
    ScriptModel: Line count (from script provider) = 1
    ScriptModel: Script length = 0
    ScriptModel: End position (from script provider) = Line: 0; Column: 0
    ScriptModel: Last line length (from lines collection) = -1
    ScriptModel: Caret position: Line: 0; Column: 0
    SqlPromptEngine: Setting caret position to: Line: 0; Column: 1
    SqlPromptEngine: Script info before setting caret position
    ScriptModel: Current script information
    ScriptModel: Line count (from lines collection) = 0
    ScriptModel: Line count (from script provider) = 1
    ScriptModel: Script length = 0
    ScriptModel: End position (from script provider) = Line: 0; Column: 0
    ScriptModel: Last line length (from lines collection) = -1
    ScriptModel: Caret position: Line: 0; Column: 0
    Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
    Parameter name: caretPosition
    at _40._1(CaretPosition )
    at _24._1(CaretPosition )
    at _43.set_CaretPosition(CaretPosition value)
    at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Engine.SqlPromptEngine.set_CaretPosition(CaretPosition value)
    Building up static candidates for [server08].[master] as sa
    Found 0 tables
    Found 1668 candidates in total
    m_SortedDatabases contains 1 databases in RefreshColumnCandidates()
    m_SortedDatabases contains 1 databases in RefreshColumnCandidates

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