I'd make sure that the SQL Backup Agent service is started on that server. I don't think that the server components installer has the flag set to start the service after install.
The service application will start the SQL Backup Agent service if it's not started, IF the SQL Server service startup user has the rights to start a service.
Yes, I'm sure user have right to start service. I use the same user when I install sqlbackup manually...
There appears to be a problem extracting the sql server login user and password from the registry.
It appears that you are using Windows authentication for the SQL Backup service to connect to SQL Server. In this case, you can leave out the sqluser and sqlpw parameters during installation i.e.
SQBServerSetup.exe /verysilent /sqbminimal /suppressmsgboxes /svcuser %1\SQLUSER /svcpw %2
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after installing with this command line :
and run by : install.cmd domain password in command line
when i test a simple backup on northwind, i've got an error 810...
need help