I have found that I can do a 'multi-select' of objects to compare, even without checking/unckecking them, but there does not appear to be any feature/function connected to this, as the bottom section still displays based on last one selected, of the set... - Am I missing something?
The top grid displays the results of the comparison at an object level. The bottom grid displays the detailed differences for the selected object.
Multiple selection in the top grid, is to allow you to include or exclude objects from synchronization more easily. For example, if I multi select four tables and then hit the spacebar, the "include" checkbox will be toggled for all 4 of them.
The bottom pane is really just a way to review the differences for one object only.
You can see a similar behaviour in something like Microsoft Outlook. If you click on a single email, another pane will show you the contents of the email. If I select multiple emails, it'll still only show me the contents of one - the last one I clicked. Allowing multiple selection in the email pane is just a means of being able to apply some kind of group action.
Hope that's helped !
Dom -
That sounds great & useful. I will try it out.
1) It is not obvious (and I am an expreienced developer!)
2) This seems like a great oppurtunity for the 'Interactive Help' to give a developer a pointer...
3) When a list is hightlighted, and the intended/expected next action is Check/uncheck - is that then available on the right click menu? -
We're due to review interactive help tomorrow so I'll make sur your comments are heard.
Not all things made it into the beta unfortunately, and right clicks in every place we'd like them are one such casualty !!
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