This is a feature that we've certainly considered, but hasn't as of yet made it into the product. Leave it with us...
Dom -
I really agree and would like to add 2 more.
a) I would like to have indicator if there are more differences beyond where i am looking, this would be useful in a long proc. As with VSS etc.
b) I would like to have ability to know the line number i am looking at. This could be done by option to turn them on, information in a right click menu or in a status line. This would help to easily go find the line of interest in say Query analyser, otherwise it can be dificult to find the line in a long proc... -
Thanks for the suggestions.
Hopefully this is something we can put in a later release, but it won't be in the initial release of version 5.
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All good diffing programs such as Araxis, BeyondCompare etc will have this feature to allow you to quickly jump to the areas that are different.
Especially useful for long views, tables, stored procedures etc.
Maybe they can go next to the font size buttons
Please, pretty please!!