Good afternoon,
Will this work the same for SQL Prompt 9? I'd like to get my tab history folder moved in the current version as well.
Thank you,
~Adam -
Hi AdamWenger,
I've done the test, and it works the same as in v6, so you should be able to do that.
Also, a network path isn't officially supported but if it's mapped it to a drive and it's fast/reliable it should work.
Fabiola -
Thanks Fabiola, this did the trick!
Thanks FabiolaB,
I Added the node as you mentioned to <%localappdata%\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 9\RedGate_SQLPrompt_CommonUI_Options_TabMagicOptions.xml>, then restarted SSMS 17.4, but it didn't work, it still appears to be using the original location. My file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TabMagicOptions version="1" type="TabMagicOptions">
<DatabaseFilePath />
Thanks, -
Hi AdamWenger,
I haven't tried it with your file, but, I think you have 2DatabaseFilePath
tags inside:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <!----> <TabMagicOptions version="1" type="TabMagicOptions"> <Enabled>True</Enabled> <OpenTabsOnStartup>True</OpenTabsOnStartup> <ReconnectTabs>True</ReconnectTabs> <UseKeyboardShortcut>True</UseKeyboardShortcut> <RecentlyClosedTabsWidth>1104</RecentlyClosedTabsWidth> <RecentlyClosedTabsHeight>974</RecentlyClosedTabsHeight> <GridSplitterLeftWidth>280</GridSplitterLeftWidth> <LastRunWasLicensed>True</LastRunWasLicensed> <SelectedFilterType>0</SelectedFilterType> <SelectedFilterTypeForKeyboardShortcut>0</SelectedFilterTypeForKeyboardShortcut> <KeyboardShortcut>Ctrl+Q</KeyboardShortcut> [b]<DatabaseFilePath />[/b] <MaximumQuerySize>2147483647</MaximumQuerySize> <MaximumNumberOfTabsToRestore>100</MaximumNumberOfTabsToRestore> <MaximumNumberOfConnectionsToRestorePerTab>1</MaximumNumberOfConnectionsToRestorePerTab> <ShownRedGateToolbar>True</ShownRedGateToolbar> [b]<DatabaseFilePath>C:\MyPath\Redgate\savedtabs.db</DatabaseFilePath>[/b] </TabMagicOptions>
Can you try to :
- Close SSMS
- Edit the file
- Remove <DatabaseFilePath /> (the first in your file). Save the file.
- Open SSMS
Please let me know if it works,
Fabiola -
That was it Fabiola, Thank you.
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%localappdata%\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 6\RedGate_SQLPrompt_CommonUI_Options_TabMagicOptions.xml
And setting the DatabaseFilePath variable eg. <DatabaseFilePath>D:\tabhistory\savedtabs.db</DatabaseFilePath>
A network path isn’t officially supported but if it's mapped it to a drive and it’s fast/reliable it should work.