Hello Justin,
the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES view only shows the first 4000 characters of any SQL object (you can access the view DDL in the master database):ROUTINE_DEFINITION = convert(nvarchar(4000), SELECT TOP 1 CASE WHEN encrypted = 1 THEN NULL ELSE com.text END FROM syscomments com WHERE AND com.number<=1 AND com.colid = 1),
To view the rest of the code you must use the system tables "sysobjects" and "syscomments" directly. As an example, you can look at the following function I wrote some time ago, it returns the number of occurences of a string in a named object:Alter Function IRIS_U_CountString ( @strObject SysName, @strSearch VarCHar(255) ) Returns Int As /********************************************* IRIS_U_AddObjectDescription' Procedurnamn: IRIS_U_CountString Beskrivning: Utility function to count number of occurences of string in procedure, function or other SQL object Beroenden: sysobjects, syscomments Created by fth Datum 2005-05-24 ' *************************************************************************/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin -- MAIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Variables Declare @strT1 NVarCHar(4000) Declare @strT2 NVarCHar(4000) Declare @lngN Int Declare @lngPos Int Declare @lngP1 Int Select @strT2='', @lngN=0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fetch all text in cursor Declare cur Cursor Local For Select text From sysobjects o Inner Join syscomments c On Where Order By colid Open cur While 1=1 Begin Fetch Next From cur Into @strT1 If @@Error<>0 Or @@Fetch_Status<>0 Break -- Find "tail" (if any) of search string from last string Select @strT2=@strT2+SubString(@strT1, 1, Len(@strSearch)-1) If CharIndex(@strSearch, @strT2)<>0 Select @lngN=@lngN+1 -- Search current string Select @lngPos=0 While 1=1 Begin Select @lngPos=CharIndex(@strSearch, @strT1, @lngPos+1) If @lngPos=0 Break Select @lngN=@lngN+1, @lngP1=@lngPos End -- While -- Save "tail" of current string for next iteration Select @strT2=Right(@strT1, Len(@strSearch)-1) End -- While Close cur Deallocate cur Return @lngN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End -- IRIS_U_CountString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for your reply. The syscomments table was exactly what I needed.
Justin -
No problem, just remember the usual disclaimers regarding accessing system tables directly. Also, in SQL2005, the metadata has gone through some rather radical changes, system tables are all replaced by catalog views for instance.
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This question isn't directly related to a Red-Gate producct but as a user of your software I figured that someone here might know the answer to this question. I am trying to apply a regular expression the the bodies of all of the stored procedures in our database. My Perl script uses "INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES.ROUTINE_DEFINITION" to get the body of the stored procedure but the value returned is an nvarchar(4000).
This of course cuts off some of our longer sp's. Does anyone know of another way to access this data?
Thanks in advance for any help