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Hello Justin, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES view only shows the first 4000 characters of any SQL object (you can access the view DDL in the master database): ROUTINE_DEFINITION = convert(nvarchar(4000), SELECT TOP 1 CASE WHEN encrypted = 1 THEN NULL ELSE com.text END FROM syscomments com WHERE AND com.number<=1 AND com.colid = 1), To view the rest of the code you must use the system tables "sysobjects" and "syscomments" directly. As an example, you can look at the following function I wrote some time ago, it returns the number of occurences of a string in a named object: Alter Function IRIS_U_CountString ( @strObject SysName, @strSearch VarCHar(255) ) Returns Int As /********************************************* IRIS_U_AddObjectDescription' Procedurnamn: IRIS_U_CountString Beskrivning: Utility function to count number of occurences of string in procedure, function or other SQL object Beroenden: sysobjects, syscomments Created by fth Datum 2005-05-24 ' *************************************************************************/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin -- MAIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Variables Declare @strT1 NVarCHar(4000) Declare @strT2 NVarCHar(4000) Declare @lngN Int Declare @lngPos Int Declare @lngP1 Int Select @strT2='', @lngN=0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fetch all text in cursor Declare cur Cursor Local For Select text From sysobjects o Inner Join syscomments c On Where Order By colid Open cur While 1=1 Begin Fetch Next From cur Into @strT1 If @@Error<>0 Or @@Fetch_Status<>0 Break -- Find "tail" (if any) of search string from last string Select @strT2=@strT2+SubString(@strT1, 1, Len(@strSearch)-1) If CharIndex(@strSearch, @strT2)<>0 Select @lngN=@lngN+1 -- Search current string Select @lngPos=0 While 1=1 Begin Select @lngPos=CharIndex(@strSearch, @strT1, @lngPos+1) If @lngPos=0 Break Select @lngN=@lngN+1, @lngP1=@lngPos End -- While -- Save "tail" of current string for next iteration Select @strT2=Right(@strT1, Len(@strSearch)-1) End -- While Close cur Deallocate cur Return @lngN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End -- IRIS_U_CountString ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / comments
Hello Justin, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES view only shows the first 4000 characters of any SQL object (you can access the view DDL in the master database):ROUTINE_DEFINITION = convert(nvarc...
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