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Error: The method or operation is not implemented


I use version:

I got error at click button "refresh" on tab "check in":
The method or operation is not implemented

No details...

I found file "Source Control for Oracle 1-2013_07_22_12_50_02_0.log"
It has log:

12:50:27.637|Error  |orting.ErrorReporter|1  |#1:Exception Occurred: User will be prompted to report in a moment
System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. ---> System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
   at #NsZc.#y0Lc.Clone()
   at #qlhb.#ZZ7.#l36(String #mrAc, #7Z7 #ead, ICancellableOperationStatus #KHc)
   at #qlhb.#K3c.#83c(String #yIc, #O9U #jkUb, ICancellableOperationStatus #KHc, IReadOnlySourceControlServerCallBacks #VHc)
   at #GWeb.#XXM.#ukFc()
   at #GWeb.#Wheb.#tieb(Func`1 #brAc)
   at #GWeb.#XXM.#skFc()
   at #GWeb.#XXM.#tYM()
   at #GWeb.#WXM.#qYM()
   at #GWeb.#XXM.#iS()
   at #qlhb.#0heb.#l36(String #yIc, #1heb #ead, ICancellableOperationStatus #KHc)
   at #qlhb.#K3c.#83c(String #yIc, #O9U #jkUb, ICancellableOperationStatus #KHc, IReadOnlySourceControlServerCallBacks #VHc)
   at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Diff.Memoization.ReattachableMemoizer.#A3.#eL5b(ICancellableOperationStatus #yTb)
   at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Diff.Memoization.ReattachableMemoizer.#YZBc.#jzb.#Qnw()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Diff.Memoization.ReattachableMemoizer.#YZBc.#VAb.#xSXc()
   at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Diff.Memoization.ReattachableMemoizer.#uz2b(String #yIc, IDatabaseConnection #SHc, #1heb #jkUb, ICancellableOperationStatus #KHc, IReadOnlySourceControlServerCallBacks #VHc, Action #RqAc)
   at #qlhb.#0heb.#wieb(#L3c #drAc, #ZZ7 #erAc, #A57 #frAc, IDatabasePollingManager #grAc, IObjectExplorerStateService #hrAc, ITableDataConfigStore #CqAc, IDifferenceFilterStore #irAc, IBoundDatabase #PPPb, IConflictResolutionStore #sqAc, ICompareOptions #5OPb, #quBb #jrAc, ICancellableOperationStatus #KHc, IReadOnlySourceControlServerCallBacks #VHc, Action #RqAc)
   at #GWeb.#VXM.#mYM[#NrPb](Func`2 #QqAc, ICancellableOperationStatus #KHc, IReadOnlySourceControlServerCallBacks #VHc, IDifferenceSelector #xrWb, Action #RqAc)
   at #GWeb.#VXM.#jYM(ICancellableOperationStatus #KHc, IReadOnlySourceControlServerCallBacks #VHc, IDifferenceSelector #xrWb)
   at #GWeb.#4Ec.#y2.#QB7b(ICancellableOperationStatus #KHc)
   at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Cancellables.MutexedCancellableOperation`1.#u3.#k5f()
   at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Cancellables.CancellableOperationBase.InvokeWithTracker(String featureUsageKey, Action action)
   at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Cancellables.MutexedCancellableOperation`1.Invoke()
   at SourceControlForOracle.Cancellables.CancellableWrapper.WrapICancellable[T](CancellationToken token, Func`1 action, ICancellable cancellable, Action`1 percentageStatus, Action`1 messageStatus)
   at SourceControlForOracle.ChangeSets.ChangeSetViewModelBase`1.Refresh(ICancellableOperation`1 retrievableChanges, CancellationToken token)




  • Michael Christofides
    Hi there, sorry for the slow reply.

    We released several fixes on Tuesday (23rd) in the release

    If you get the chance to upgrade (Help -> Check for updates) it would be good to know if the problem persists. In any case we're taking a look at the outstanding issues in the tool at the beginning of next week, so thank you for the logs.

    Have a good weekend,
    Michael Christofides
  • zimzum
    I updated to version but the error remains.

    I hope you will correct the error in the next version.

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