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Cannot Install Reflector 7.6 VS2010 Extension On Windows XP

Attempting to install the VS 2010 Extension For Relector on my Windows XP machine fails.

Running the new installer just fails with the error code from Windows Installer of 1603.

Runnning the VSIX from the Visual Studio Gallery gives me the following.
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - Microsoft Visual Studio Extension Installer
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - -------------------------------------------
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - Initializing Install...
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - Extension Details...
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	Identifier      : 04e215d3-4dfd-4ae4-b72c-d5ef91dc603b
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	Name            : .NET Reflector Visual Studio Extension
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	Author          : Red Gate Software Ltd
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	Version         :
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	Description     : Integrates .NET Reflector into Visual Studio to allow you to seamlessly debug into third-party code and assemblies, even if you don't have the source code for them.

Visit for more information.

Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Red Gate Software Inc.
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	Locale          : en-US
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	MoreInfoURL     :
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	InstalledByMSI  : False
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	MinFramework    : 4.0
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	MaxFramework    : 4.0
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	Supported Visual Studio Editions : 
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 		Version : 10.0
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 			Ultimate
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 			Premium
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 			Pro
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 		Version : 11.0
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 			Ultimate
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 			Premium
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 			Pro
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	Supported Isolated Shells : 
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 	References      : 
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 		-------------------------------------------------------
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 		Identifier   : Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 		Name         : Visual Studio MPF
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 		MinVersion   : 10.0
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 		MaxVersion   : 
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 		MoreInfoURL  : 
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 		Nested       : No
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - 
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - Searching for applicable products...
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - The extension with ID '04e215d3-4dfd-4ae4-b72c-d5ef91dc603b' is not installed to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.
31/07/2012 13:54:42 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Premium
31/07/2012 13:55:42 - The following target products have been selected...
31/07/2012 13:55:42 - 	Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
31/07/2012 13:55:42 - 
31/07/2012 13:55:42 - Beginning to install extension to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate...
31/07/2012 13:55:42 - Install Error : System.IO.PathTooLongException: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.BeginInstall(IInstallableExtension installableExtension, Boolean perMachine, AsyncOperation asyncOp)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.InstallWorker(IInstallableExtension extension, Boolean perMachine, AsyncOperation asyncOp)

It appears that the user data folder being generated for the installation path is too long for Windows XP machines. The path displayed in the installer is shown below, and appears to be truncated.

"C:\Documents and Settings\XXXXXXXXX\Local Settings\Application Data\Red Gate\.NET Reflector\Visual Studio Extension Inst"



  • nick.maidment
    This is a problem which has already been reported, see the following link for more details ... e-too-long
  • GabrielNar
    This a frequent problem,that generally causes the long folder path in your device.(longer than 255 characters)
    There's a lot of additional software on the internet which can help you.I found Long Part Tool.It helped me.
    All you need to do is to download this program online and save all the settings to your computer. This program is compatible with Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7. Create an icon for the Long Path Tool on your desktop for easy access. Each time you would like to manage files that have a long filename all you need to do is to click the icon and it will instantly direct you to a window that presents all your files. Here you can rename, delete, open and move your files instantly without the worries of error messages saying that there is some sort of a problem.

    You may see the error "The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters," under the following circumstances:
    Opening an assembly with .NET Reflector
    Exporting source code for an assembly using an add-in such as FileDisassembler, or FileGenerator
    I hope that it will help you!
    Good luck!

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