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Gaps In ANALYSIS Data with No Corresponding Alerts

Several times yesterday (2012/07/02) between 12PM CDST and 530PM CDST SQL Monitor shows gaps in info gathered and shown in the ANALYSIS tab.

For example, SQL User Conections which shows how many users are connected to the monitored instance of SQL Server. When I examin this under ANALYSIS for between 11:30 AM CDST and 12:30PM CDST I see a gap in the line between 12:25:39 and 12:27:13.

In otherwords the line runs solid between the times 11:30 and 12:30 with the line breaking/stopping at 12:25:39 and starting again at 12:27:13. This leaves a gap of just under 2 minutes where nothing is recorded and I am assuming this is not normal.

A review of the log files showed:

UI Service 20120701.log - Nothing/empty at 0KB

Website 20120702.log - Nothing but the start date & time of the service.

Base Deployment 20120702.log - This is the only log file with any info and it to has nothing listed thats even close to the time whene this break occurred.
The 2 lines before and after the break are:
1 entry at 08:00:04.803 and another at 19:55:22.201 and nothing between the 2 even close to when this break occurred.

1) What casues thiss kind of gap in the data captured
2) HOw do I find out more about what caused this gap such as whether or not it was something limited to just the infoi gatheered iin ALAYSIS or is it a problem with connecting to the monitored server as a whole?

In adition to this goa lissted aboive there are 5 more times yesterday afternoon in which there are gapos between 1 and 2 minutes long and the gaps run across every metric in ANALYSIS and not just user connectioons.

In addition to these gaps I was kicked out of SQL Servers Activity Monitor about the same time as when these gaps occurred. Thats what lead me to believe the problem was with connection to the DB however a review of the windows log files show active sucesfull connections during this gap period.

For the example given, the gap between 12:25:39 and 12:27:13, there are no Alerts listed such as Machine Unreachable or Monitoring Stooped or Monitoring Error. That said I do have several of these alerts listed yesterday afternoon however none correspond to the same time as when the gaps in ANALYSIS occur.

Any idea whats going or or how to trouble shoot this?


1 comment

  • Eddie D
    Thank you for your post into the forum and sorry that you have encountered a problem.

    I suspect that this issue will be difficult to diagnose via this forum, therefore a support call has been created for you, the call reference number is F0062015.

    Can you please send an e-mail to with the above call reference number in the subject field of the e-mail. Please attach a copy of the Base Monitor Log Files and We Server Log files for me to analyse.

    Can you please confirm the number of SQL Servers you are monitoring?

    Also if the SQL Monitor Base Monitor is installed on a Virtual Machine?

    I am aware of some situations where SQL Monitor may cease monitoring in the manner you have described, hopefully reviewing the log files and the answers to my questions will confirm what I suspect.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie D

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