I just updated SSMS with SP1 for SQL 2008 R2.
Now, when I type in the column names and am prompted for the column/table name, and click the enter key to insert it, the word is inserted strangely ... for example:
If I type: select * from info
I get prompted to select "information_Schema".
If I click the enter key to insert the rest of the word, it gets inserted as expected.
BUT, the prompt dialog box stays up and still has the word information_schema still highlighted. If at this point I hit the space bar to move on, it inserts part of the word... in this case 'RMATION_SCHEMA' is appended to the end making the word
likewise, if I use the spacebar to insert the word, the same thing happens, except it puts a space between the two parts that it inserts - ie:
The same thing happens for any object names....
Prior to upgrading with SP1 this behavior did not occur.
Now, when I type in the column names and am prompted for the column/table name, and click the enter key to insert it, the word is inserted strangely ... for example:
If I type: select * from info
I get prompted to select "information_Schema".
If I click the enter key to insert the rest of the word, it gets inserted as expected.
BUT, the prompt dialog box stays up and still has the word information_schema still highlighted. If at this point I hit the space bar to move on, it inserts part of the word... in this case 'RMATION_SCHEMA' is appended to the end making the word
likewise, if I use the spacebar to insert the word, the same thing happens, except it puts a space between the two parts that it inserts - ie:
The same thing happens for any object names....
Prior to upgrading with SP1 this behavior did not occur.