Hi All,
I received this error when doing a data compare.


Bug report generated at 11/12/2010 10:38:14 AM
Program version

System.ArgumentException: Month is out of range.
Parameter name: month
at Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleDate..ctor(Int32 year, Int32 month, Int32 day, Int32 hour, Int32 minute, Int32 second)
at #3HJ.#7HJ.#KPK(BinaryReader reader, OracleType oracleType)
at #3HJ.#7HJ.#DIJ(BinaryReader reader)
at #3HJ.#YUd.#Qeo(Int32 index)
at #3HJ.#WVJ.GetRows(Int32 rowIndex, Int32 count)
at RedGate.Oracle.DataCompare.RowComparisonResultView.GetRows(Int32 rowIndex, Int32 count)
at #TQK.#WQK.#jAJ(Int32 rowIndex)
at #lsJ.#LsJ.#pyJ()
at #lsJ.#LsJ.#vl(#WtJ dataDifferenceRow, #iuJ rowLevelSelection, #juJ rt, Boolean pivotView)
at #lsJ.#ytJ.#vl(#WtJ dataDifferenceRow, #iuJ rls, Boolean directionChange, Boolean forceRepopulate)
at #lsJ.#ksJ.#HgD(#WtJ d)
at #lsJ.#ksJ.#1lw(#pbD e)
at #18C.#sMc.#t.#tMc.#Jq(T message)
at #18C.#sMc.#Jq[T](T message)
at #BsJ.#DcD.#pjD(#Z8C differenceRow, String columnName)
at #E9C.#duJ.#QUc()
at #E9C.#duJ.#NUc()
at #E9C.#duJ.#i5b(String findPhrase)
at #E9C.#duJ.#FwJ()
at #HcD.#RcD.#FwJ()
at #BsJ.#DcD.#FwJ()
at #3QK.#4QK.#6Lk(#kGr currentProject, #IcE c)
at #BsJ.#5QK.#ZjD(Object sender, CancelEventArgs e, Predicate`1 updateProject, DataProject project, Boolean isDifferentProject)
at #BsJ.#5QK.#t.#izb.#ryD(Object s, CancelEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.CheckCloseDialog(Boolean closingOnly)


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