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What version of SmartAssembly was used to obfuscate my assembly?
The default build process added a custom attribute that details the version of SmartAssembly that performed the obfuscation.
The attribute is:
and the value will be SmartAssembly...
Docker Cannot connect to SQL Server Browser
This error occurs when attempting to connect in an unsupported manner with Docker.
Typically this is the use of localhost or loopback addresses which aren't supported due to the containerization an...
This process is 64-bit, but this memory dump is not
This warning can be seen if there is a bitness mismatch between any of the following elements:
1. The initial capture2. The profiler process3. The analyzing environment
Full details of the require...
This process is 32-bit, but this memory dump is not
This warning can be seen if there is a bitness mismatch between any of the following elements:
1. The initial capture2. The profiler process3. The analyzing environment
Full details of the require...
Flyway encoding support
The migration script encoding options within Flyway are defined by the Java character set.
In the instance that a script's encoding is either mismatched or fails to be detected*, the product will f...
ANTS Profiler getting started demos
To aid getting started with the ANTS Performance and Memory Profiler tools, we maintain a repo of intentionally faulty applications for the purpose of showcasing the tools functionality.
These C# a...
The memory dump you selected is too large to be opened
The beta functionality of memory dump analysis presently has some architectural limitations pertaining to the number of addressable objects. While not technically a size limitation, it correlates.
Method not found: 'System.Security.CodeAccessPermission'
The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection' threw an exception.---> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Security.CodeAccessPermission System.Dat...
Performance counters are missing from the timeline
In certain situations, the performance counters may be missing from the performance counter results during a profiler session, resulting in a blank timeline.
There are many possible causes for the ...
Using LocalDB with SmartAssembly
SmartAssembly allows you to use any version of SQL for its internal database. This will help you connect to LocalDB.
For LocalDB, the connection string usually takes the form Server=(LocalDB)\mssql...