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Can we set actions from command prompt...
Hi ,
Sqldata Compare i am running it from command prompt like...
SQLDataCompare.exe /project:c:\testSync.sdc /synchronize
Here default Action is "Include All" so it is just replacing one database ...
Hellow Brian,
Thanks for quick reply,
Actually my question is like..
Can we take backup for only modified records.
Assume like i have one backup file for last month.and another backup this month.Now i need another backup file which contains only changes/new records in relational database.
can we do this brain..?
If it is possible ..then i can move only 3rd backup file to server station , there i can compare this database with server database and apply sync process there with redgate tool.
So Here i have two steps like..
1.Get only changed records from substation as backup file.
(moving manually there is no network)
2.Compare "changes backupfile" with "serverdatabase or is's backup file".
Satyanarayana murthy / comments
Hellow Brian,
Thanks for quick reply,
Actually my question is like..
Can we take backup for only modified records.
Assume like i have one backup file for last month.and another backup this month.No...
Can we take backup for only changed records in relational database.
Like with out taking total backup what ever changed transactions table and related master tables as backup file.
Is there any tools or process please suggest me.
satyanarayana murthy. / comments
Can we take backup for only changed records in relational database.
Like with out taking total backup what ever changed transactions table and related master tables as backup file.
Is there any...
can we compare differential database backup..
Can we compare differential local database backup file with backup file of serverdatabase?
Actually i tried it ,
I wany to set my guid column as comparekey,but is not allowing this.
(for databa...
Can we compare two databases only for changed records
Can we compare two databases like ..
1.Get data script for only changed tables from local database.
2.Compare this changed records with server database.
Because database is very large and actua...