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Latest activity by jmbelina
Yes, try the following scripts, you'll see three difference, then check the ignore data compression setting and you'll see only the difference for the spatial index.
-- database 1 - table without data compression create table [dbo].[featpoint] ( [featkey] [int] null , [featpointgeo] [sys].[geometry] not null , [featpointid] [int] not null identity(1, 1) , constraint [PK_featpoint] primary key clustered ( [featpointid] ) ); go create nonclustered index [NC_featpoint_featkey] on [dbo].[featpoint] ( [featkey] ) ; go create spatial index [SI_featpoint_featpointgeo] on [dbo].[featpoint] ( [featpointgeo] ) using geometry_grid with ( bounding_box = ( -180, -90, 180, 90), cells_per_object = 16 ); go
-- database 2 - table with data compression create table [dbo].[featpoint]
[featkey] [int] null
, [featpointgeo] [sys].[geometry] not null
, [featpointid] [int] not null identity(1, 1)
, constraint [PK_featpoint]
primary key clustered ( [featpointid] )
with ( data_compression = page )
create nonclustered index [NC_featpoint_featkey]
on [dbo].[featpoint] ( [featkey] )
with ( data_compression = page );
create spatial index [SI_featpoint_featpointgeo]
on [dbo].[featpoint] ( [featpointgeo] )
using geometry_grid
bounding_box = ( -180, -90, 180, 90), cells_per_object = 16
(Update: I tried using code blocks to separate the two table definitions, but it didn't show up well so I removed the code formatting.) / comments
Yes, try the following scripts, you'll see three difference, then check the ignore data compression setting and you'll see only the difference for the spatial index.
-- database 1 - table without ...
Ignore Data Compression Bug
The ignore data compression option does not filter out spatial indexes with data compression.