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Keyword not supported: 'trust server certificate'.
Working on version 4.2.20168, and encounter error Keyword not supported: 'trust server certificate'. remove Trust Server Certificate=True, then got error Invalid connection string: Keyword not sup...
34 followers 27 comments 0 votes
also check the log and event log, nothing found related to the exception. SQL Change Automation-SSMS-202007160742-17512.log %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Red Gate Software.evtx / comments
also check the log and event log, nothing found related to the exception. SQL Change Automation-SSMS-202007160742-17512.log%SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Red Gate Software.evtx
0 votes
Keyword not supported: 'authentication'.
Setting up a project with a SQL Source Control project in SSMSFollowing this tutorial, and exception happened after In the dialog, provide the connection details for the shadow database and click ...
3 followers 7 comments 0 votes
Is it possible to support git template feature?
The git commit template will be loaded when try to do a commit. sql source control did not load pre-def...
1 follower 1 comment 0 votes