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Should .sdcs files be in VCS?
In the data folder under the SQL Scripts folder there are a number of .sdcs files that haven't been added to my Git repo. Should they be under source control?
Previous version just worked when I ran as admin. With the new installer I had to:
run the exe from command line (as admin) with Extract option to get the MSI files
run the msi using msiexec from command line (as admin)
I appreciate the problems are probably caused by our group policy, but the previous version was a lot easier for me! (Especially if there are multiple updates) Going forward I guess I now know the steps I need to take - but working this out this morning took a while! (definitely going to have to turn frequent updates off)
Thanks. / comments
Previous version just worked when I ran as admin. With the new installer I had to:
run the exe from command line (as admin) with Extract option to get the MSI files
run the msi using msiexec from ...