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Here is a snippet of the script SQLCompare wrote: PRINT N'Altering [dbo].[SellerItem_AutoArchive]' GO -- Procedure Name: SellerItem_AutoArchive -- -- Description: Updates a Items to status 40 (archived). -- -- Parameters: none -- -- Returns: count of items archived -- -- Created By: Wendy Colvin ( -- Created On: 12/02/2003 -- -- Modified By: Wendy Colvin ( -- Modified On: 03/04/2004 - do not archive Pro data to ZArchiveAuctionSetup -- Modified On: 03/23/2004 - to be able to archive blocked items, need to retain the fact that it was blocked so set blocked archived status = 60 -- Modified On: 05/24/2004 - don't auto archive items that are scheduled to post -- -- Modified By: Wendy Colvin ( -- Modified On: 05/31/2006 - 6927 Matrix Inventory Requirements - add check for archiving of relationship items -- -- Modified By: Wendy Colvin ( -- Modified On: 12/07/2006 - PRO change in auto-archiving of ads/inventory -- -- Modified By: Mike Wengler -- On: 05/30/2007 -- Reason: Changed 3-part names to 2-part names where DB name is the current db ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SellerItem_AutoArchive] --%%skip AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @Err int, @ArchiveItemCount int, @ProArchiveItemCount int, @C2AArchiveItemCount int, @C2AArchiveAdCount int, @C2AArchiveItemCount2 int, @C2AArchiveAdCount2 int, @ArchiveTypeID int, @Dur money DECLARE @CurrentGMT datetime SET @CurrentGMT = GETUTCDATE() -- determine if this is a merchant or pro sql server instance SELECT TOP 1 @ArchiveTypeID = t.ArchiveTypeID, @Dur = d.Duration FROM C2AProfile.dbo.C2AProfile c WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN dbo.SellerAd ad WITH (NOLOCK) ON c.ProfileID = ad.ProfileID JOIN SellerStatic.dbo.ArchiveType t WITH (NOLOCK) ON t.ArchiveTypeDescription = 'Merchant Inventory' JOIN SellerStatic.dbo.ArchiveDefaultSetting d WITH (NOLOCK) ON d.ArchiveTypeID = t.ArchiveTypeID IF @ArchiveTypeID is null SELECT @ArchiveTypeID = t.ArchiveTypeID, @Dur = d.Duration FROM SellerStatic.dbo.ArchiveDefaultSetting d WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN SellerStatic.dbo.ArchiveType t WITH (NOLOCK) ON d.ArchiveTypeID = t.ArchiveTypeID WHERE t.ArchiveTypeDescription = 'Pro Inventory' IF ( @Dur is null ) SELECT @Dur = max(Duration) FROM SellerStatic.dbo.ArchiveDefaultSetting d WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN SellerStatic.dbo.ArchiveType t WITH (NOLOCK) ON d.ArchiveTypeID = t.ArchiveTypeID WHERE t.ArchiveTypeDescription like '%Inventory' DECLARE @ProfileID int, @ClosingIntegration int, @IsPro bit, @ArchiveDateGMT datetime, @TZAdj float SELECT @ClosingIntegration = 0, @IsPro = 1, @ArchiveDateGMT = @CurrentGMT - @Dur, @ArchiveItemCount = 0 DECLARE @ItemTbl TABLE (ItemID int, ProfileID int, ArchiveDateGMT datetime, OkToArchive bit DEFAULT (1), LastActivityGMT datetime, RelationshipInstanceID int, IsInRelationship bit) ALTER TABLE #AdTbl (SellerAdID int, ItemID int, ProfileID int) Note that #AdTbl is not created before this statement and it makes no sense to ALTER a temporary table when you are creating it. / comments
Here is a snippet of the script SQLCompare wrote: PRINT N'Altering [dbo].[SellerItem_AutoArchive]' GO -- Procedure Name: SellerItem_AutoArchive -- -- Description: Updates a Items to status 40 (a...
0 votes
I have since changed it to ASCII because the scripts were coming out limited to about 10 columns on the left side of the page. Originally it was the default, which I believe was UTF-8. / comments
I have since changed it to ASCII because the scripts were coming out limited to about 10 columns on the left side of the page. Originally it was the default, which I believe was UTF-8.
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