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Here the stored proc I use. It was originall posted in by Greg Larsen. I modified to work with SQL Backup. Take the output and paste it an new QA window to do the restore. -- build_restore_script 'MDSHC' create procedure build_restore_script @dbname sysname = '' --restrict restore statements to 1 database as -- -- This stored procedure was written by Greg Larsen for Washington State Department of Health. -- Date: 12/16/2001 -- -- Description: -- This stored procedure generates TSQL script that will restore all the databases -- on the current SQL Server. This stored procedure takes into account when the last -- full and differential backups where taken, and how many transaction log backups -- have been taken since the last database backup, based on the information in -- the msdb database. -- -- Modified: -- Date Who Description -- 3 Jan 2005 fhanlon Added @dbname parameter -- 8 Mar 2005 fhanlon Added support for compressed backups -- -- Declare variables used in SP declare @cmd nvarchar (1000) declare @cmd1 nvarchar (1000) declare @db nvarchar(128) declare @filename nvarchar(128) declare @cnt int declare @num_processed int declare @name nvarchar(128) declare @physical_device_name nvarchar(128) declare @backup_start_date datetime declare @... char(1) -- Turn off the row number message set nocount on -- SECTION 1 -- Define cursor to hold all the different databases for the restore script will be built IF @dbname = '' declare db cursor for select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name not in ('tempdb', 'model') ELSE declare db cursor for select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = @dbname -- Create a global temporary table that will hold the name of the backup, the database name, and the type of database backup. create table ##backupnames ( name nvarchar(100), database_name nvarchar(100), type char(1) ) -- Open cursor containing list of database names. open db fetch next from db into @db -- Process until no more databases are left @FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- Subsection 1A -- initialize the physical device name set @physical_device_name = '' -- get the name of the last full database backup select @physical_device_name = physical_device_name , @backup_start_date = backup_start_date from msdb..backupset a join msdb..backupmediaset b on a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id join msdb..backupmediafamily c on a.media_set_id = c.media_set_id where type='D' and backup_start_date = (select top 1 backup_start_date from msdb..backupset where @db = database_name and type = 'D' order by backup_start_date desc) -- Did a full database backup name get found if @physical_device_name <> '' begin -- Build command to place a record in table that holds backup names select @cmd = 'insert into ##backupnames values (' + char(39) + @physical_device_name + char(39) + ',' + char(39) + @db + char(39) + ',' + char(39) + 'D' + char(39)+ ')' -- Execute command to place a record in table that holds backup names exec sp_executesql @cmd end -- Subsection 1B -- Reset the physical device name set @physical_device_name = '' -- Find the last differential database backup select @physical_device_name = physical_device_name, @backup_start_date = backup_start_date from msdb..backupset a join msdb..backupmediaset b on a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id join msdb..backupmediafamily c on a.media_set_id = c.media_set_id where type='I' and backup_start_date = (select top 1 backup_start_date from msdb..backupset where @db = database_name and type = 'I' and backup_start_date > @backup_start_date order by backup_start_date desc) -- Did a differential backup name get found if @physical_device_name <> '' begin -- Build command to place a record in table that holds backup names select @cmd = 'insert into ##backupnames values (' + char(39) + @physical_device_name + char(39) + ',' + char(39) + @db + char(39) + ',' + char(39) + 'I' + char(39)+ ')' -- Execute command to place a record in table that holds backup names exec sp_executesql @cmd end -- Subsection 1C -- Build command to place records in table to hold backup names for all -- transaction log backups from the last database backup set @cmd = 'insert into ##backupnames select physical_device_name,' + char(39) + @db + char(39) + ',' + char(39) + 'l' + char(39) + 'from msdb..backupset a join msdb..backupmediaset b on a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id join ' + 'msdb..backupmediafamily c on a.media_set_id = c.media_set_id ' + 'where type=' + char(39) + 'L' + char(39) + 'and backup_start_date > @backup_start_dat and' + char(39) + @db + char(39) + ' = database_name' -- Execute command to place records in table to hold backup names -- for all transaction log backups from the last database backup exec sp_executesql @cmd,@params=N'@backup_start_dat datetime', @backup_start_dat = @backup_start_date -- get next database to process fetch next from db into @db end -- close close db -- Section B open db -- Get first recod from database list cursor fetch next from db into @db -- Generate Heading in Restore script print '-- Restore All databases' -- Process all databases @FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- define cursor for all database and log backups for specific database being processed declare backup_name cursor for select name,type from ##backupnames where database_name = @db -- Open cursor containing list of database backups for specific database being processed open backup_name -- Determine the number of different backups available for specific database being processed select @cnt = count(*) from ##backupnames where database_name = @db -- Get first database backup for specific database being processed fetch next from backup_name into @physical_device_name, @... -- Set counter to track the number of backups processed set @num_processed = 0 -- Process until no more database backups exist for specific database being processed @FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- Increment the counter to track the number of backups processed set @num_processed = @num_processed + 1 -- Is the number of database backup processed the same as the number of different backups -- available for specific database being processed? -- If so, is the type of backup currently being processed a transaction log backup? if UPPER(@type) = 'L' -- build restore command to restore the last transaction log -- If extension is 'sqb' assume backup is compressed if LOWER(RIGHT(@physical_device_name,3)) ='sqb' select @cmd = 'EXEC master.dbo.sqlbackup ' + char(39) + '-SQL "RESTORE LOG ' + rtrim(@db) + char(13) + + ' FROM DISK = ' + char(39) + char(39) + RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@physical_device_name,1,LEN(@physical_device_name))) + char(39) +char(39) + char(13) + ' WITH RECOVERY"' + char(39) else select @cmd = 'RESTORE LOG ' + rtrim(@db) + char(13) + ' FROM DISK = ' + char(39) + RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@physical_device_name,1,LEN(@physical_device_name))) + char(39) + char(13) + ' WITH RECOVERY' else -- Last backup was not a transaction log backup -- Build restore command to restore the last database backup -- If extension is 'sqb' assume backup is compressed if LOWER(RIGHT(@physical_device_name,3)) ='sqb' select @cmd = 'EXEC master.dbo.sqlbackup ' + char(39) + '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE ' + rtrim(@db) + char(13) + + ' FROM DISK = ' + char(39) + char(39) + RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@physical_device_name,1,LEN(@physical_device_name))) + char(39) +char(39) + char(13) + ' WITH REPLACE, RECOVERY"' + char(39) else select @cmd = 'RESTORE DATABASE ' + rtrim(@db) + char(13) + ' from disk = ' + char(39) + RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@physical_device_name,1,LEN(@physical_device_name))) + char(39) + char(13) + ' WITH REPLACE, RECOVERY' if @cnt <> @num_processed -- add norecovery clause if not last statement select @cmd = REPLACE(@cmd, 'RECOVERY', 'NORECOVERY') -- if it is master comment line out if @db = 'master' set @cmd = '/* ' + char(13) + @cmd + char(13) + '*/' -- Generate the restore command and other commands for restore script print @cmd print 'go' print ' ' -- Get next database backup to process fetch next from backup_name into @physical_device_name, @... end -- Close and deallocate database backup name cursor for current database being processed close backup_name deallocate backup_name -- Get next database to process fetch next from db into @db end -- Close and deallocate cursor containing list of databases to process close db deallocate db -- Drop global temporary table drop table ##backupnames GO / comments
Here the stored proc I use. It was originall posted in by Greg Larsen. I modified to work with SQL Backup. Take the output and paste it an new QA window to do the restor...
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