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Kai Iske
Hi, I just started evaluating v5 of SQL Bundle to find out whether it really makes sense for us to upgrade from v3. Actually I was hoping to get our problem solved with the new feature of custom comparison keys. However I mocked up a simple sample to check master / detail relationships and synchronization. This is what it looks like (*) denotes Primary Key / Identity Column: TBL_Item Item_SID (*) ItemName TBL_ItemDetail ItemDetail_SID (*) Item_SID ItemDetailName So there is a foreign key constraint from TBL_ItemDetail.Item_SID to TBL_Item.Item_SID. Now to simulate identities that are not in sync, I created the following entries within the tables: "Left" database TBL_Item 1 Item 1 2 Item 2 TBL_ItemDetail 1 1 Item Detail 1 2 2 Item Detail 2 "Right" database TBL_Item 1 Item 3 2 Item 4 TBL_ItemDetail 1 1 Item Detail 3 2 2 Item Detail 4 Ok, off we go: I wanted to sync the "left" entries into the "right" database that should give me something like this: TBL_Item 1 Item 3 2 Item 4 3 Item 1 4 Item 2 TBL_ItemDetail 1 1 Item Detail 3 2 2 Item Detail 4 3 3 Item Detail 1 4 4 Item Detail 2 However, no matter what I set the custom keys to, whether I include / exclude identity columns, whether I change mapping, SQL Data Compare does either of the following: - Drop the existing entries (Item 3 / Item 4) on the target database - Create the new entries but with the details pointing to the wrong foreign keys I though that with the information of foreign keys being set between the tables, SQL Data Compare would create something like: INSERT INTO [Master] SELECT @id = SCOPE_IDENTITY() INSERT INTO [Detail] Or something like INSERT INTO [Master] ... INSERT INTO [Detail] SELECT Master_SID, ... FROM [Master] WHERE CustomKey = x INSERT INTO [Detail] SELECT Master_SID, ... FROM [Master] WHERE CustomKey= y But maybe I'm totally wrong here and simply misinterpreted something Any help / hint would be highly appreciated Thank you very much in advance Kai Iske / comments
Hi, I just started evaluating v5 of SQL Bundle to find out whether it really makes sense for us to upgrade from v3. Actually I was hoping to get our problem solved with the new feature of custom co...
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Hi Brian, thanks for the feedback. However as I believe this is a rather common scenario, what would be the best approach to do this? If it's not possible at all using SDC, is there anything planned in the future? Regards Kai / comments
Hi Brian, thanks for the feedback. However as I believe this is a rather common scenario, what would be the best approach to do this? If it's not possible at all using SDC, is there anything planne...
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This thread already addresses most of the suggestions I would have, but I want to add the following as well. These might have been suggested elsewhere, but I want to raise these (again): 1. Remember the position / size of the differences pane. When I start SQLCompare and then select a new / different object, the differences pane is way too small as far as I'm concerned. So I end up resizing the lower pane 2. When working in the grouped mode (as opposed to the hopefully to be reimplemented list mode) what about changing the upper pane overview this way: You start with four groups (different, new here, new there, same). When I unfold a group I might end up with the category header being scrolled out of sight. What if the group header would still be visible but only scroll within the group's contents, i.e. have a "top-level" scroller to scroll between groups / categories and the "lower-level" scroller to scroll within the contents of a group / category. This way I could (a) easily see the context (yes, the arrows also indicate context, but to me it's not the same) and (b) I could quickly collapse the one category and move on. 3. Before 5.2 we're using 3.x and this allowed me to choose the location of the project files. We usually store the project files in VSS and have a rather strict VSS directory structure. With the ability of projects to "remember" my last selection of important items, I could version control my SQLCompare projects based on my current development projects. 4. Move the Save Script button to the Sync Wizard: As we're running through strict change management, all I can do is script the SQL and send it to the deployment staff. However with 5.2 I need to go to the wizard, view the script and then save it. Moving the save button (or adding another save button) to the Sync Wizard's main form, would save that click [image] Thanks for considering these Regards Kai Iske / comments
This thread already addresses most of the suggestions I would have, but I want to add the following as well. These might have been suggested elsewhere, but I want to raise these (again): 1. Remembe...
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