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I guess you are correct. So the tool should be executing short running queries to gather its info as opposed to connecting up and sit there as an open process continually running? Here is what the tool was executing: CREATE PROCEDURE sp_help_jobhistory_full @job_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @job_name sysname, @step_id INT, @sql_message_id INT, @sql_severity INT, @start_run_date INT, @end_run_date INT, @start_run_time INT, @end_run_time INT, @minimum_run_duration INT, @run_status INT, @minimum_retries INT, @oldest_first INT, @server sysname, @mode VARCHAR(7), @order_by INT, @distributed_job_history BIT AS IF(@distributed_job_history = 1) SELECT null as instance_id, sj.job_id, job_name =, null as step_id, null as step_name, null as sql_message_id, null as sql_severity, sjh.last_outcome_message as message, sjh.last_run_outcome as run_status, sjh.last_run_date as run_date, sjh.last_run_time as run_time, sjh.last_run_duration as run_duration, null as operator_emailed, null as operator_netsentname, null as operator_paged, null as retries_attempted, sts.server_name as server FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobservers sjh JOIN msdb.dbo.systargetservers sts ON (sts.server_id = sjh.server_id) JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view sj ON(sj.job_id = sjh.job_id) WHERE (@job_id = sjh.job_id) AND ((@start_run_date IS NULL) OR (sjh.last_run_date >= @start_run_date)) AND ((@end_run_date IS NULL) OR (sjh.last_run_date <= @end_run_date)) AND ((@start_run_time IS NULL) OR (sjh.last_run_time >= @start_run_time)) AND ((@minimum_run_duration IS NULL) OR (sjh.last_run_duration >= @minimum_run_duration)) AND ((@run_status IS NULL) OR (@run_status = sjh.last_run_outcome)) AND ((@server IS NULL) OR (sts.server_name = @server)) ELSE SELECT sjh.instance_id, -- This is included just for ordering purposes sj.job_id, job_name =, sjh.step_id, sjh.step_name, sjh.sql_message_id, sjh.sql_severity, sjh.message, sjh.run_status, sjh.run_date, sjh.run_time, sjh.run_duration, operator_emailed =, operator_netsent =, operator_paged =, sjh.retries_attempted, sjh.server FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory sjh LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysoperators so1 ON (sjh.operator_id_emailed = LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysoperators so2 ON (sjh.operator_id_netsent = LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysoperators so3 ON (sjh.operator_id_paged =, msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view sj WHERE (sj.job_id = sjh.job_id) AND ((@job_id IS NULL) OR (@job_id = sjh.job_id)) AND ((@step_id IS NULL) OR (@step_id = sjh.step_id)) AND ((@sql_message_id IS NULL) OR (@sql_message_id = sjh.sql_message_id)) AND ((@sql_severity IS NULL) OR (@sql_severity = sjh.sql_severity)) AND ((@start_run_date IS NULL) OR (sjh.run_date >= @start_run_date)) AND ((@end_run_date IS NULL) OR (sjh.run_date <= @end_run_date)) AND ((@start_run_time IS NULL) OR (sjh.run_time >= @start_run_time)) AND ((@end_run_time IS NULL) OR (sjh.run_time <= @end_run_time)) AND ((@minimum_run_duration IS NULL) OR (sjh.run_duration >= @minimum_run_duration)) AND ((@run_status IS NULL) OR (@run_status = sjh.run_status)) AND ((@minimum_retries IS NULL) OR (sjh.retries_attempted >= @minimum_retries)) AND ((@server IS NULL) OR (sjh.server = @server)) ORDER BY (sjh.instance_id * @order_by) / comments
I guess you are correct. So the tool should be executing short running queries to gather its info as opposed to connecting up and sit there as an open process continually running? Here is what the...
0 votes
I want to use the force column order option, correct? Is there a way to set this option globally so every new comparison project will have this option checked? I guess I should have done a little more homework before posting! :oops: John / comments
I want to use the force column order option, correct? Is there a way to set this option globally so every new comparison project will have this option checked? I guess I should have done a little ...
0 votes
If I start to type an objects name & then hit ctl-space to bring up the available objects, it enters a space & then brings up the entire list. Am I missing an option here? This did work in v 1.4. John / comments
If I start to type an objects name & then hit ctl-space to bring up the available objects, it enters a space & then brings up the entire list. Am I missing an option here? This did work in v 1.4....
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