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Save Project button
I click on button Save but I see that asterisk in windows title doesn't disappear (project is modified).
Now we have button for results saving and I think it will be comfortable to have button "Sav...
some notes
As for me it will be useful to have:
1. "Find" in grids such as "All methods" etc., in "Summary".
2. Text selection, copy in tabs such as Summary
How many instances must be activated?
I activated 3 instances and all of them are active :-).
Does it mean that for every QA I need to run its own instance of SQLPrompt?
If no then its error, need to check instance existing.
1. If I entered "GROUP " then in this place can be prompted BY.
2. select count(*),id from db..tab1 group by <- in this place I have a prompt for all aggregate and built-in functions.
This is not c...
About manual synchronization
Is it possible to have sync script in low pane as in ver 4 for manual synchronization one object per time?
I mean dont use wizard, but use fast script for sync.
Frequently I use this feature for st...
SQL Compare Aborting: Login failed for user
I am trying to compare 2 db's. For one of them I use non-correct password. After starting I see window:
"SQL Compare Aborting .... Registering database .....Login failed for user sa"
Is it possible...
No scripts for objects sometimes
I click into grid with objects are in one db only and sometimes I see User!=User and script
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname = N'NASH\Domain Users')
exec sp_grantlo...
refresh after synchronization
I do synchronization, refresh and the same objects are different again.
Difference is in whitespaces. But as for me after sync objects must be equal.
Different objects?
These objects are different in this version.
But they are equal
[deleted] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_nodes_deleted] DEFAULT ((0)),...
[deleted] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_nodes_deleted] DEFAU...
<Refresh> is good! BUT....
User can <Refresh> databases in combobox.
Neil, it was my dream :-)
But questions:
Why I cannot see what databases are not online ?
Why I can select offline database for comparing ?
When I selecte...