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Hi there,
Just incase your are interested we have a free tool to compare DTS Packages.
It is available at red gate labs, please check out for more information.
David / comments
Hi there,
Just incase your are interested we have a free tool to compare DTS Packages.
It is available at red gate labs, please check out for more infor...
Hi Scott,
thanks for the feed back.
All the best
David Connell / comments
Hi Scott,
thanks for the feed back.
All the best
David Connell
Hi there,
I think that Microsoft had documented all these attributes in books on line.
I have just looked in "SQL Server 2005 Books Online" under the topic sp_addextendedproperty.
[ @level0name = ] { 'level0_object_name' }
Is the name of the level 0 object type specified. level0_object_name is sysname with a default of NULL.
[ @level1type = ] { 'level1_object_type' }
Is the type of level 1 object. level1_object_type is varchar(128), with a default of NULL. Valid inputs are AGGREGATE, DEFAULT, FUNCTION, LOGICAL FILE NAME, PROCEDURE, QUEUE, RULE, SYNONYM, TABLE, TYPE, VIEW, XML SCHEMA COLLECTION, and NULL.
[ @level1name = ] { 'level1_object_name' }
Is the name of the level 1 object type specified. level1_object_name is sysname, with a default of NULL.
[ @level2type = ] { 'level2_object_type' }
Is the type of level 2 object. level2_object_type is varchar(128), with a default of NULL. Valid inputs are COLUMN, CONSTRAINT, EVENT NOTIFICATION, INDEX, PARAMETER, TRIGGER, and NULL.
[ @level2name = ] { 'level2_object_name' }
Is the name of the level 2 object type specified. level2_object_name is sysname, with a default of NULL.
Hope that helps.
Kind regards
David Connell / comments
Hi there,
I think that Microsoft had documented all these attributes in books on line.
I have just looked in "SQL Server 2005 Books Online" under the topic sp_addextendedproperty.
[ @level0name =...
Hi David,
If you are using SQL 2005 then the parameter should be listed just above the SQL Script. (Check out AdventureWorks SPs like [HumandResources].[uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo] have all their params documented.)However I donot think that parameters are shown/displayed for SQL 2000 databases.
Hope that helps
David / comments
Hi David,
If you are using SQL 2005 then the parameter should be listed just above the SQL Script. (Check out AdventureWorks SPs like [HumandResources].[uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo] have all their p...
Hi there,
Thanks for the suggestion. I will put it forward into the future ideas pool.
David / comments
Hi there,
Thanks for the suggestion. I will put it forward into the future ideas pool.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for pointing out this difference... I think that there is an issue in what a comment means... The block comment does not include the "new line" because it's not included in the comment. However the line comment has decided to include the "new line" return because it's part of the line. Or as you have said, is it? I will have to go and ask someother people.
OK I have just asked one of the SQL Refactor team, and they told me that "new lines" should be considered part of the line comment. This is what SQL Server does. However he also said that only "new lines" are really new lines in SQL Server and "cariage returns" should be ignored because that's what SQL Server could do under certain collations. He did say that it was a little unclear exactly what some of these cases meant.
I have now spoken with Robert one of the developers on SQL Doc. He did not agree with the adding of the white-space: pre; tag in your CSS . (His argument was that the viewer should automatically cater for word wrap etc and not interpret the data directly.)
However then it leaves the issue of spaces. So he felt that SQL Doc should have escaped the spaces correctly in the comments. Which it does not do.
Personally I would use the descriptions to put these type of comments in. Because you can then comment anything from Functions, to Tables to .... However "new lines" are not correctly formatted in SQL Doc 1.1.
So in summary I will put forward that spaces and tabs in comments are escaped.
David / comments
Hi Matt,
Thanks for pointing out this difference... I think that there is an issue in what a comment means... The block comment does not include the "new line" because it's not included in the comm...
Hi Matt,
I copied and pasted your code straight into my SQL Script for a Stored Proc called bob.
I then generated the following output in a CHM & straight HTML using SQL Doc 1.1
CREATE procedure [dbo].[bob]
@b1 int = null
/* This is a title */
/* --------------- */
/* Some descriptive text here */
/* that will explain stuff */
select 1 from syscomments
declare @b2 int
select @b2 = count(*) from syscomments
There are two issues from what I can see.
Issue 1) Where are the cariage returns?
Issue 2) Space padding has gone wrong
Re issue 1... What does the rest of your SQL Script look like? I wonder if the editor has only put in line feeds and not cariage returns?
Issue 2.. I think that the missing spaces could be SQL Doc problem. I will raise this as a bug.
David / comments
Hi Matt,
I copied and pasted your code straight into my SQL Script for a Stored Proc called bob.
I then generated the following output in a CHM & straight HTML using SQL Doc 1.1
CREATE procedure &#...
Hi Matt,
Where is this please? Is it in the descriptions?
David / comments
Hi Matt,
Where is this please? Is it in the descriptions?
Hi there Kingram,
The descriptions used by SQL Doc are stored as extended properties, which in turn are stored in the database itself. As a result they will be backed up & restored within your database.
So the next question is, How to get all the extended Propeties out of the database?
I would use SQL Compare to compare my database against a blank database. And export the data as XML...
I would then use XSLT or a program to scan the XML and strip out the sp_addextendedproperty.
The XML looks like
- <line type="different">
<left>ALTER TABLE [Person].[Address] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Address_StateProvince_StateProvinceID] FOREIGN KEY ([StateProvinceID]) REFERENCES [Person].[StateProvince] ([StateProvinceID])</left>
<right />
- <line type="different">
<right />
- <line type="same">
<left>-- Extended Properties</left>
<right />
- <line type="same">
<left />
<right />
- <line type="different">
<left>sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', N'Street address information for customers, employees, and vendors.', 'SCHEMA', N'Person', 'TABLE', N'Address', NULL, NULL</left>
<right />
The above example was taken from AdventureWorks.
Once I had this working well I would setup up some command line utlitilies to automate this task as part of my general build mechanisms...
Hope this helps
David Connell / comments
Hi there Kingram,
The descriptions used by SQL Doc are stored as extended properties, which in turn are stored in the database itself. As a result they will be backed up & restored within your data...
Hi Tim,
I have found in the past that XML & XSLT can run into performance issues with large XML files. This was one of the reasons why raw XML files were not initially choosen...
I am glad that you like the information that we produce.
David / comments
Hi Tim,
I have found in the past that XML & XSLT can run into performance issues with large XML files. This was one of the reasons why raw XML files were not initially choosen...
I am glad that you...