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Adam W
Hi, To enter multiple regular expressions, type each separate expression on a new line. In Configuration > Alert settings > Long-running query you should see an embedded help icon next to the field that explains how to add exclusions. I've pasted it below (apologies if you already had this and were looking for something more specific). Excluding specific queries To stop this alert being raised for certain queries, enter regular expressions to match those queries you want to ignore. You can match against both the process name - that is, the SQL connection name - (in the first box) and any SQL statements contained within the query (in the second box). To enter multiple regular expressions, type each separate expression on a new line. Regular expression syntax All regular expressions are case-sensitive. Type the pattern of letters to find, or use the following special characters: . matches any single character (wildcard character) ^ matches the start of a string [ ] matches any of the characters contained within [a-z] or [0-9] matches any character in the specified range |matches any of the elements separated * matches the preceding character zero or more times ? matches the preceding character zero or once Note: this is not an exhaustive list of regular expression syntax. SQL Monitor supports all standard .NET regex characters. Tips White space is included; adding a space will change what the expression matches Special characters need to be escaped e.g . $ ^ { [ ( ) ] } * + ? | Examples [Bb]ackup matches any string that contains "Backup" or "backup" Backup|restore matches any string that contains "Backup" or "restore" (but not "backup" or "Restore") / comments
Hi, To enter multiple regular expressions, type each separate expression on a new line. In Configuration > Alert settings > Long-running query you should see an embedded help icon next to the field...
0 votes
Hi, Yes you can alias the server names - there's a screenshot here which shows you how to do this: ... +dashboard I hope that helps. Thanks, Adam / comments
Hi, Yes you can alias the server names - there's a screenshot here which shows you how to do this: ... +dashboard I hope that helps. Thanks, Adam
0 votes
Hi, You shouldn't have to enable sysadmin permissions - here are the details of the requirements: ... ermissions Let me know if you need further details / comments
Hi, You shouldn't have to enable sysadmin permissions - here are the details of the requirements: ... ermissions Let me know if you need further details
0 votes
Thanks, I've added that to the release notes - apologies that information wasn't there when you needed it / comments
Thanks, I've added that to the release notes - apologies that information wasn't there when you needed it
0 votes
Hi, it is not currently possible to filter the long-running queries by user or login, but this has been suggested as an enhancement and you can add votes and context to it here: ... -to-exclud Kind regards Adam / comments
Hi, it is not currently possible to filter the long-running queries by user or login, but this has been suggested as an enhancement and you can add votes and context to it here:https://sqlmonitor.u...
0 votes