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Cake support
In case anybody would like to use SmartAssembly with Cake build process, not it is possible.
I've just created an addin for Cake.
/create command line switch
I'm trying to automate saproj creation but having some problems with /create switch.
I'm using it like:
SmartAssembly.exe /create test.saproj /input=[RELATIVEPATH]\target.exe /output=[RELATIVEPATH]...
Bad custom DPI support
Hi guys,
I'm running the thing on a 4K monitor with 150% scaling and UI isn't scaling like a champ.
See a sample
Windows 8 app and XAML
Hi guys,
Is there a way to see XAML for Windows 8.* app? Resources node has no content.
Setting (Code) font size
Hi guys,
Would be possible to allow setting of custom font sizes. Right now I'd like to have Consolas 15 for Code Editor but combo box lists 14 and 16 (+ others) but not 15.
Open/Save/Export results
Why I can't open, save or export results :?: The first two are greyed out while the later doesn't show any submenu.
ORA-04015: ascending sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXV.
I am getting this error on sequence import:
ORA-04015: ascending sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXVALUE.
This is the SQL DDL:
exception on start
Hi guys,
I've installed a .net service update
FIX: Multitouch devices become unresponsive when you use a .NET Framework 4.0-based WPF application that uses a Wacom driver
Summary to display Classes with source code only by default
I'd like to retain the Display mode I use in Summary - it always defaults to Classes with and without source code while I'd like to use Classes with source code only. IOW the last mode used sho...
Class List without clasess with no source code
Is it possible to filter out (exclude) the classes without the source code in Class List?