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Ok... thanks everyone for your responses! I setup one large batch file and everything seemed to work well (setup on Wednesday, ran on Friday when I was on vacation). I found one "issue" with setting up the batch file: "C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Data Compare 5\sqldatacompare" /project:"C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Data Compare 5\projectA.sdc" /out:"D:\RedGate\ProjectASyncSummary.txt" If the output file "ProjectASyncSummary.txt" already existed (since this is going to be a scheduled process", the application complained that the file existed and then stopped. My solution was a script to rename the file after it was "created" and "written to", put in the batch file immediately after the sqldatacompare command listed above: REM Rename File Original Script by Mark Yocom, for /f "delims=/ tokens=1-3" %%a in ("%DATE:~4%") do ( for /f "delims=:. tokens=1-4" %%m in ("%TIME: =0%") do ( rename ProjectASyncSummary.txt ProjectASyncSummary-%%c-%%b-%%a-%%m%%n%%o%%p.txt ) ) This will rename the file and attach a date/time stamp. Worked very well! I would also like to see one enhancement... some sort of "sync complete" comment in the output file would be nice. [image] / comments
Ok... thanks everyone for your responses! I setup one large batch file and everything seemed to work well (setup on Wednesday, ran on Friday when I was on vacation). I found one "issue" with settin...
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