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Analysis, SHOW has "SQL SERVER" greyed out, cannot monitor
In trying to monitor a SQL Server, I can get all statistics EXCEPT for those listed in the listbox below "SQL SERVER", such as User Connections, SQL Server Processor Time, etc.
Why can't I get thes...
ERASEFILES causes backup error
This is the backup script and it fails since adding the ERASEFILES items.
How to restore from one server to another using Sql Backup?
Am trying to test the SQL Backup before activating it. I noticed that although we just recently purchased it, it's only version 6.5. Anyhow, when testing a restore, I'm wanting to restore from ON...
Keeping original Identity Column from linked dataset
We don't want the the "server assigned" option when linking a table to get data generated on. We need to keep the same indentity column number that is in the original table, otherwise the data in ...
Synch null DATES in SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 table returns TODAY
When synchronizing a NULL datetime field FROM SQL 2000 TO SQL 2005 , it returns TODAY's date and time instead of NULL (in SQL 2005), so the tables will never rematch on the refresh comparison. I c...
What is Needed in Versions after Version 6
On the Custom Comparison Key, I'd like to see an option to "SELECT ALL" and "CLEAR ALL" for setting the keys. It would speed things up rather than having to manually click on every checkbox.
Default filegroup is full (TempDB) (DATA COMPARE)
I cannot run Data Compare without the error stating that the TempDB default filegroup is full. I'm not DATA COMPARING tempdb at all, but another SQL database. What is causing this error?