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I set the DefaultData and DefaultLog values in the registry as "E:" and "F:" respectively. SQL Backup uses the DefaultData directory but appears to ignore the DefaultLog directory when restoring to a new database. / comments
I set the DefaultData and DefaultLog values in the registry as "E:" and "F:" respectively. SQL Backup uses the DefaultData directory but appears to ignore the DefaultLog directory when r...
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I just installed SQL Backup 5.2 and then upgraded the server side components and the email password issue is now fixed. Thanks Red-Gate for fixing this so quickly. / comments
I just installed SQL Backup 5.2 and then upgraded the server side components and the email password issue is now fixed. Thanks Red-Gate for fixing this so quickly.
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I was able to get the email working by copying the password from the registry on another server into the registry on the server that was not working properly. It appears that the first character of the password was incorrectly encrypted. / comments
I was able to get the email working by copying the password from the registry on another server into the registry on the server that was not working properly. It appears that the first character o...
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No. Here is the stored procedure I'm running though: CREATE procedure dbo.backupSchemasSQLBackup as declare @schemaName varchar(50) declare @sql varchar(4000) /* Make sure database is online (status & 512) = 0 before trying to back it up. */ declare schemaList cursor read_only for select [name] from master..sysdatabases where [name] not in ('tempdb') and (status & 512) = 0 order by [name] open schemaList fetch next from schemaList into @schemaName while ( @@fetch_status = 0 ) begin -- Delete Old Database Backup set @sql = 'exec xp_cmdshell ''del L:\SQL_Backups\' + @schemaname + '.sqb''' print @sql exec ( @sql ) -- Backup Database to New SQL Backup File (the one just deleted) set @sql = 'master..sqlbackup ''-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [' + @schemaName + '] TO DISK = ''''L:\SQL_Backups\' + @schemaName + '.sqb'''' WITH NAME = ''''Database (' + @schemaName + '), ' + replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(19),getdate(),121),'-',''),':',''),' ','_') + ''''', DESCRIPTION = ''''Backup on ' + convert(varchar(19),getdate(),121) + ' Database: ' + @schemaName + ' Server: NJCINNT37'''', INIT, MAILTO = '''''''', COMPRESSION = 1"''' print @sql exec ( @sql ) -- Copy ZIP File to NT34 set @sql = 'exec xp_cmdshell "copy L:\SQL_Backups\' + @schemaname + '.sqb ' + '\\NJCINNT34\f$\NT37\' + @schemaname + '.sqb", no_output' print @sql exec ( @sql ) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------' fetch next from schemaList into @schemaName end close schemaList deallocate schemaList GO The backups are being run on NJCINNT37 and then a copy of the backed up file is saved on NJCINNT34 for quick disaster recovery. The basic question still remains, why is SQL Backup indicating that the backup was successful when it cannot even write to the output device? -- Alex Buttery / comments
No. Here is the stored procedure I'm running though:CREATE procedure dbo.backupSchemasSQLBackup as declare @schemaName varchar(50) declare @sql varchar(4000) /* Make sure dat...
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I will have databases on SQL 2000 for the foreseeable future and would like SQL 2000 capability / comments
I will have databases on SQL 2000 for the foreseeable future and would like SQL 2000 capability
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