Does the SQL Server Agent job check for the exit code and SQL error codes upon completion of the backup?
No. Here is the stored procedure I'm running though:
CREATE procedure dbo.backupSchemasSQLBackup as declare @schemaName varchar(50) declare @sql varchar(4000) /* Make sure database is online (status & 512) = 0 before trying to back it up. */ declare schemaList cursor read_only for select [name] from master..sysdatabases where [name] not in ('tempdb') and (status & 512) = 0 order by [name] open schemaList fetch next from schemaList into @schemaName while ( @@fetch_status = 0 ) begin -- Delete Old Database Backup set @sql = 'exec xp_cmdshell ''del L:\SQL_Backups\' + @schemaname + '.sqb''' print @sql exec ( @sql ) -- Backup Database to New SQL Backup File (the one just deleted) set @sql = 'master..sqlbackup ''-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [' + @schemaName + '] TO DISK = ''''L:\SQL_Backups\' + @schemaName + '.sqb'''' WITH NAME = ''''Database (' + @schemaName + '), ' + replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(19),getdate(),121),'-',''),':',''),' ','_') + ''''', DESCRIPTION = ''''Backup on ' + convert(varchar(19),getdate(),121) + ' Database: ' + @schemaName + ' Server: NJCINNT37'''', INIT, MAILTO = '''''''', COMPRESSION = 1"''' print @sql exec ( @sql ) -- Copy ZIP File to NT34 set @sql = 'exec xp_cmdshell "copy L:\SQL_Backups\' + @schemaname + '.sqb ' + '\\NJCINNT34\f$\NT37\' + @schemaname + '.sqb", no_output' print @sql exec ( @sql ) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------' fetch next from schemaList into @schemaName end close schemaList deallocate schemaList GO
The backups are being run on NJCINNT37 and then a copy of the backed up file is saved on NJCINNT34 for quick disaster recovery.
The basic question still remains, why is SQL Backup indicating that the backup was successful when it cannot even write to the output device?
-- Alex Buttery -
It is SQL Server Agent that is reporting the successful completion of the job.
SQL Server Agent reports a failure only if it encounters an error when it executes a T-SQL task. By all means, the SQL stmt that you are running is valid and runs perfectly. However, the result from that T-SQL task is a failure code, which SQL Server Agent does not catch (unlike a command line job step).
In version 4.0, we create T-SQL job steps in the following form:
DECLARE @exitcode int
DECLARE @sqlerrorcode int
exec master..sqlbackup '-sql "<SQL Backup commdn>" ', @exitcode OUTPUT, @sqlerrorcode OUTPUT
IF (@exitcode <> 0) OR (@sqlerrorcode <> 0)
RAISERROR ('SQL Backup step failed: exit code %d, SQL error code: %d',
16, 1, @exitcode, @sqlerrorcode)
Any errors are raised manually, and this bubbles up to the SQL Server Agent job. -
Thanks. This is what I needed.
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I had a RAID controller in a production server fail last night during the backup processing. The job continued to report that each database was backed up successfully but the jobs were failing because the backup files could not be written due to the failed controller. Here is a sample backup email from SQL Backup:
SQL Backup log file
2/7/2006 6:49:19 PM: Backing up RT (full database) to:
2/7/2006 6:49:19 PM: Failed to create backup folder : L:\SQL_BackupsI expect the backup to fail when this occurs.