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The account that SQL Server is running under has elevated permissions so it will most certainly work. That's what I'm trying to get away from. / comments
The account that SQL Server is running under has elevated permissions so it will most certainly work. That's what I'm trying to get away from.
0 votes
francisd wrote: We are using the COPYTO option with our backups. Is there a way to speed up the COPYTO process? I would say it's soley dependant on your network speed. / comments
francisd wrote: We are using the COPYTO option with our backups. Is there a way to speed up the COPYTO process? I would say it's soley dependant on your network speed.
0 votes
Ok, I had a chance to try again. The restore is only 2 files, a full backup from sunday and last nights diff. Here's the error and the results of the query you wanted me to run with the current diff. Dev-Thor: Restore - Failed ========================== Restoring full backup - Successful This operation completed successfully. Restoring RIP_Onyx (database) from: \\redgate1\SQLBackups\thor\Onyx\FULL_Onyx_20130120_025056.sqb Processed 4396432 pages for database 'RIP_Onyx', file 'Vanilla500054_Data' on file 1. Processed 17 pages for database 'RIP_Onyx', file 'Vanilla500054_Log' on file 1. RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 4396449 pages in 469.187 seconds (73.205 MB/sec). SQL Backup process ended. Restoring differential backup - Failed This operation failed with errors. Restoring RIP_Onyx (database) from: \\redgate1\SQLBackups\thor\Onyx\DIFF_Onyx_20130123_023009.sqb Thread 0 error: Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.) SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. SQL error 3136: SQL error 3136: This differential backup cannot be restored because the database has not been restored to the correct earlier state. SQL Backup exit code: 790 SQL error code: 3136 Updating SQL Server information - Pending Operation pending. SELECT d.physical_device_name FROM msdb..backupset a INNER JOIN msdb..backupset b ON a.database_backup_lsn = b.checkpoint_lsn INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily c ON a.media_set_id = c.media_set_id INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily d ON b.media_set_id = d.media_set_id WHERE c.physical_device_name LIKE '%DIFF_Onyx_20130123_023009.sqb' Results physical_device_name {E2E5B7E6-6FD4-415D-8989-36FAD01A243E}14 d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_190001.sqb NUL d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_191501.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_193001.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_194501.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_200001.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_201501.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_203001.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_204501.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_210001.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_211501.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_213000.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_214501.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_220001.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_221501.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_223000.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_224501.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_230001.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_231501.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_233001.sqb d:\temp\Onyx\LOG_Onyx_20130122_234500.sqb / comments
Ok, I had a chance to try again. The restore is only 2 files, a full backup from sunday and last nights diff. Here's the error and the results of the query you wanted me to run with the current d...
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